Showing posts with label Updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Updates. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 December 2018

What's Really Brewing; a Merci Beaucoup Entry...

It's probably one of those period of time I went "missing" online; not updating my blog and other social media for an extended period of time. I was on a break for 3 months prior to my first entry for this month. Prior to that, somewhere last year, I was on a long 9 months break before I made my blog entry on November last year. Yet I left some traces of my digital footprints over at my personal Facebook and Instagram. For those who are curious on what I've been up to, perhaps this entry will probably fulfill your curiosity.

As such is life, things do happen. In as much when most of us tried to keep ourselves abreast to what's going on around us, certain things tend to happen that are not always within our control. For me, I'm no exception and sometimes I wish I can stay committed on one thing at a time. But we all know that's not always possible. Most of the times, we've to wear a lot of different hats - switching from one role to another - or even several hats at the same time. It can be hard to stay focus.

Like what I've stated above, things happened and it was a major one that impacted my life so greatly that God is all I have. In early 2017, I started to develop an immense interest towards the Bible and would want to "renew" my faith with God and decided to go through a series of self study of the Bible. That's the period of time I went "missing" between February to October last year. Never would I know, I was embarking onto a spiritual journey to seek a Truth that changed my life forever. I was a "Christian" for close to 13 years worshiping in a denominational church that my faith wasn't really there. Though there were Sundays I attended worships and services, I was there merely there for the sake of "refreshing" my faith.

Because I was brought to Christ via The Sinners' Prayer together with the doctrine of "once saved always saved", it was only natural for me to think that it's only rightful I'll be in Heaven after my death regardless of what I do in my current life which include sins of any sorts (from as small as telling a little white lie, saying things and don't mean it, passing awful remarks about someone behind their back, gossiping, calling God's name in vain to slandering, stealing, cheating, murdering etc. just to name a few - Romans 1:28-32). Whenever I didn't feel like attending any sort of services or even renege my words, I highly doubt God will fault me on that. Since my ticket to Heaven is already secured no matter what I do or say, does that really matter? Well, not till after a series of Bible studies and I found out that it's not true... God knows everything and He will judge (Hebrews 4:13)!

The more I study the Bible, it was even more scary and perplexing for me to find out I wasn't even saved to begin with. Because of my will and desire to honestly seek for Him (Jeremiah 29:13-14), I went through weeks of searching to get myself into the ONE true Church of Christ where Jesus built upon (1 Peter 2:9-10). I'm not going to go through all the details here for it's going to be way too long for a blog entry. Long story short, after coming to the knowledge of the Truth, I finally got myself baptized for the remission of my sins (Romans 6:4) on 16th June 2017 at Lim Ah Pin Church of Christ (LAPCOC), one of the faithful congregations under the body of Christ; I was officially born a Christian.

After my baptism, as a new babe of Christ (even I've done quite a substantial amount of Bible studies), I stumbled and fell several times in my life while trying to walk in the light. And this explains my second "missing" during the last 3 months here. Traces of me "disappearing" started from June onward, to be more accurate. I apologized that I've not been really updating and most of my DT assignments got stalled because of that. I was trying out certain things and got myself too overwhelmed by the things of the world. It was till recently, after a series of lectureships and Gospel meetings I attended brought me into perspective. I should say I'm at the period of readjusting and will be busy with the right things (I hope and praying hard for this). As some of you probably have known, I'd like to make my crafting interest into a full time career. It has always been at the back of my mind and every time I think about it I really want to execute them immediately. Alas! It didn't always happen. I'm always distracted and get caught up by things around me. I'm actually praying for this and hope one day it will really happen.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the faithful brethren (just way too many to list them out here!) behind WVBS, Apologetic Press and LAPCOC who has worked relentlessly to preach the one and only pure Word of God to the lost that I'm able to seek the Truth as a lost soul.

Certainly, for my avid followers of my works I'd like to thank you for your patience in waiting for my new works and to read my lengthy post as such (if you've reached this point)! If you ever wonder where I got the graphics from the image above, it's from one of my works that I used as a background artwork. It's one of the butterfly cards I made for John Moore and his wife, Carla. I watched his videos online to find my way to the LORD's Church. I also use them as part of my entry for Graphic 45 Ambassador Audition which you can click onto the link to read more.

Over here, I'd like to extend a 10% OFF OFFER to all my readers as their affiliate. No extra cost to you (I promised!) and this will certainly help me to earn some pennies when you purchase something via my link; a step closer to convert my interest into a full-time one. To redeem your offer for your next purchase, enter code: SBSAVE10 during checkout. Alright, before you head over to Spellbinders to redeem your offer, here are some fine prints that you may want to take note:

Save 10% OFF your next purchase. Must use provided coupon code at time of purchase. If code is not used at time of purchase then order will be ineligible for discounted rate. Offer good only on products purchased at Offer is one time use; individual consumer use only; not for distribution; Clearance is excluded, excludes tax & shipping; not valid on any previous web, phone or retail purchases; cannot be redeemed for cash; cannot be combined with any other offer; void where prohibited. Offer expires 12/31/2018.

Enjoy shopping and crafting!!! LORD's willing, till next time...

Wednesday 30 May 2018

New Brews Over at my Etsy Store

For those who are unaware, I do have an Etsy shop since 2009. Since it has been quite some time I'm "tidying up" stuffs in my Etsy store, I felt it's time to do some "polishing" in my store as well as listing some new items. Not much, just 2 items which are the latest creations I've made for this year. 

One is the Pryotechniques steampunk mini junk journal, and the other is the Buxom Fairies Sconces decor. Above is an orientation video on the junk journal I'm selling at my Etsy store

In order to continue the kind of work I'd want to do, I do hope to earn some money in order to fund my passion. I not asking for much but your little support will serve as an encouraging platform for me to continue this. I'm also hoping I'd be able to offer some kits or more tutorials for sale online. If there's feasible technology and when time permits, I'd very much to go into online teaching to supplement the videos I'm creating on my YouTube channel.

On top of these 2 new listed items, I'm offering clearance sales on some of my past projects as well which most of them are listed up to 50% off. Do hop over to my shop to view more. I shall see you guys very soon again as I come back for my first project with Graphic 45 as their brand ambassador.

Thursday 19 April 2018

I'm back with Graphic 45 as their Ambassador!!!

I was eagerly anticipating for the announcement since last night, clicking to refresh Graphic 45 Facebook page as well as their blog to check for updates. Notice that there's a 15hr difference between us, the wait to see whether my name will be on a the list was like the very moment I collected my GCE 'O' Levels results slip from my teacher when I was 17; eagerly to know how well I fair. Couldn't hold onto the calling towards the sleepy Lala land, I turned in subsequently after I'm done with my Canvas Corp project submission. Prior landing onto my bed, I did a final check and I'd have guess it won't be out that soon. 

Early this morning at 5:30am, when I saw Charee's email in welcoming us to the team, I was thrilled!!! This piece of news couldn't get any better - I made it back to Graphic 45 again as their Brand Ambassador!!! And I'm really shouting out here, seriously feeling excited all over again after a 2 years break with them since 2016. It felt like it's the beginning from the end. As I tracked back in how I got myself to audit for Graphic 45 for the very first time to getting into their team, I feel as if my history with them is still very much alive. 

Nevertheless, I'd want to believe this will be another great fun year with them. Also, my heartfelt congratulations to the rest of the Ambassadors (and old friends within!). I'm looking forward to work with everyone for this year. Follow me on my YouTube channel as I'd be very much wanting to share more via this means, in hope to further encourage and inspire. I shall return very soon...

Sunday 4 March 2018

A Little Luxe of Laces, Trims and Blings...

I'm super excited to announce that I'll be working with Lucy from Tresors de Luxe and some wonderful designers within the community to share our creative talents towards laces, trims and other embellishments. I've been following Lucy's products for many years and she actually went into hiatus for quite some time before she came back with a DT call, which I applied and was invited to join as the final addition to the team, making us a perfect 10! 

And here I present all of us in this perfect 10 design team! I see familiar faces as well! Oh well, I've yet to create projects that're lacey-ful so this will be something I'm super excited about 'cos it will be a genre I've yet to explore. Since I'm looking forward to build up my YouTube channel, this will be a good opportunity for me to move beyond my comfort zone and explore another creative aspect of mine. One other good (not so good for me) piece of news is that my channel is now free from advertisements due to the new requirement set in place which I didn't manage to hit in time. Therefore, this won't be much of an eyesore for some of you while watching my videos, at least for this year. 

Moving forward, while I believe some are lamenting over losing some advertising income, I'm actually working hard to build up my channel. I may not be as frequent as some other YouTubers as I'm trying to work out my schedule with a creative plan that I could follow so that I can control my time well. Right now, with a new day job that I'm trying to adapt to, my timings can get really mess up. Therefore, please be patient with me as well while I'm trying to figure things out which is going to take some time. Do remember to subscribe HERE for more updates in the future. 

I shall see you all very soon again for a video tutorial!! Cheers!!!

Monday 22 January 2018

Inspiration Partner with Ephemoire

Long since past my previous DT work with Alpha Stamps, I'm going to work with Traci from Ephemoire as their Inspiration Partner. Will be offering realistic project ideas and tutorials this time round. One advantage on using digital art and collages is that you don't have to make physical purchases and you can customize them to suit your various projects. 

Therefore, do continue to stay tune with me as I'll be posting more ideas and tutorials over at my YouTube channel. Do subscribe if you haven't to keep yourself updated. 

Meanwhile, have a great week ahead and I shall see you very soon with a new project.


Friday 19 January 2018

What's Cooking in my YouTube Channel?

Just 2 days ago, I received an email from YouTube about some important update (or I should say changes) to the YouTube Partnership Programme which is also reflected over at their blog. I was told that my channel has no longer meet the new eligibility requirement for monetization, i.e. I'll not be paid via those little advertisements you tend to see popping up in my videos. My channel will be free of advertisements after 20th February and no longer a YouTube partner. 

Alright, perhaps it's not exactly a piece of good news to most of the YouTubers who didn't meet the new requirements (which has set to a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000hr watch time within the past 12 months). The moment I read that I'm one of them who will be affected by the new change, I was indeed shocked at start and have a sense of injustice within. First, making videos isn't an easy job to begin with and I believe everyone who does it put in a lot of effort in making those videos available online. Second, it's only natural for YouTubers (regardless how small we are) to get some form of revenue for the work we do, and monetization is one such channel to get paid in a way. Therefore, when YouTube announced this new change, it's only within common expectations that most of us will get upset (or even angry) over it.

However to me, after reviewing and assessing the new change, it turns out to be rather mix - neither good nor bad. We are given a notice period before our partnership with YouTube gets terminated unless we are able to meet the new threshold requirement within the next 30 days. As I looked into my channel stats, even I could gather everyone within the community to subscribe to my channel, to hit that 4,000hr watch time mark within the next 30 days is far TOO unrealistic (and close to impossible) because I was in hiatus for close to 2 years and it's only in recent months I started to upload new content to my channel. I do feel an "Arghhhhh" within my heart and wished I had been more regular previously so as to maintain my partnership with YouTube. But that's too late to cry over spilled milk. Before I start to get my emotions running high like most affected YouTubers and jump on the bandwagon, I took a step back and look at this issue practically. 

There's always 2 side of the story and people in general don't make decisions suddenly without a basis. For the benefit of doubt, I trusted that YouTube has been actively observing the market and had done series of surveys and market studies before making such changes. And it's only natural for them to make decisions that won't hurt their interests while preserving the interests of most YouTubers. There's isn't a one-size fits all policy; some will benefit while some will certainly lose. I guess such a move is likely to encourage YouTubers to create more original and engaging content, which I think it's a push factor to get people to work towards a goal rather than just setting up a channel to make money. The positive side of this change is that the termination of partnership is not going to be permanent, and YouTube is making this open to everyone who meets the new threshold so it's not the end of the world. 

Should anyone of you ask me did I really earn from monetizing my channel? The answer is NO. I only earn like a few cents and dollars till date, not even close to $5! In fact, I earn more via my blog in comparison to my YouTube channel despite I get more views and followers on my channel than over at my blog. As I did some ground research on some of the crafty YouTubers who monetized their channels, one of them earn an estimate amount of $40 for ~100,000 views for one of her videos that went viral. But that's like 2 years ago, things might have changed. Some only manage to earn between $100-$200+/- monthly after obtaining 20-30k subscribers after working on their channels for over a period of 4-8 years. Seriously, after looking at all these, I honestly don't see a need to be upset or angry with YouTube for such a change. YouTube don't just merely pays you solely on your subscribers base, they also look at your engagements with your audiences, in particular how much time your viewers stay on to watch your videos. Meaning to say, the more hours your viewers stay on your videos (better if they stay through the entire video and finish it), you will likely be paid more. It only makes sense in this way and that's the whole purpose of making videos. You want your viewers to watch your entire video (from beginning to the end) otherwise what's the point of making videos?  

Right after this has been announced, a lot of YouTubers actually called out for help. I don't deny I did try by placing my links in the comments section pleading for help. I do get some subscribers at the end, but not view time. Some even spammed on some of my videos without watching the content, that I need to delete off some of the comments. Honestly, I don't really like it. Simply because even I might meet the new threshold by 20th February to maintain my ability to monetize my channel via this means, I do know deeply within there might not be genuine subscribers who has the intention to follow me through. That's not what I want. I do want to engage with my viewers and that's the main reason why I want to create more videos to inspire and encourage people via the work that I do, not just getting more subscribers and views. Though I deeply appreciate the level of support and help within the community, I decided not to do any form of shout out for this further. Rather, I want to take this positively and build up my channel genuinely even it's back to scratch again. Even is to win, I'd want to win my viewers' hearts legitimately and sincerely. 

After much thoughts, I decided to create this very short trailer/teaser for my channel after taking some of the useful lessons and tips from the YouTube Creator Academy. As I was planning on my trailer video, I have an intention to create some cinematography by filming some nature scenes within my area. At the end, I decided to use one really old video I took while trying to film one of my fashion teabags in action. Very seamlessly, I manage to blend it into my Botanical Teapot Wardrobe project, which is one of my Graphic 45 2014 DT Call Final Submission projects. This makes it even more significant because that's how my very first YouTube video came about. Botanical Tea is just one of my favourite paper collections and Graphic 45 is launching them as deluxe collector's edition pack!!! How could I ever want to miss this (though I still have some of them)?

Since I've set my mind and heart to do this, it's only natural for me to want to do it well and give in my very best. It's ok that I don't have 1,000 subscribers for now, what's really important is my inspirational content and that's what I'm aiming for. Going back to ground level it's not really that scary, rather it's more about taking this journey all over again and not be afraid to fail. The ability to learn how to get up and bravely take on the journey is what makes your life interesting.

"Courage is not simple one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point." 
~ C.S. Lewi's Screwtape Letters

Join me and embark on this creative journey together. Subscribe if you love what I do and would want to get inspired and encouraged. I look forward to live, learn, love and laugh together with you...

Sunday 7 January 2018

Mister Frosty - Winning Piece for 2017 Handmade for the Holidays Challenge

Occasionally or sometimes randomly, I'll enter some contests or challenges, and has this "Challenges" section where they'll from time to time organize a few challenges. Most of the time, I tried entering a challenge hoping to win some kits/items. Some of the winning items can be really attractive and I'll feel so dearly in wanting to win them back home. And for those voucher/gift certificates based challenges, I'll usually enter for fun without thinking I might win because so far such challenges often attracts hundreds to thousands of entries, especially for challenges. The amount of entries can be quite daunting.

Strangely enough, so far out of the several of such challenges (perhaps not more than 5 times) I entered, I had already won 3 times, including this which I entered for last year Handmade for the Holidays Challenge. It's seriously not within my expectation and I only got to know it when I received a private message (that got emailed to my inbox as well) from Amy that I'm one of the 10 winners who had won. I need to pause for a few moments to absorb the fact that "Ok! Yes, it's a fact I've won a $50 voucher."

The winning piece for the Challenge

There's a 1,183 entries altogether and this Mister Frosty managed to emerge out as one of the 10 winners. So happy for him!

Friday 8 December 2017

Creating with Canvas Corp Brands

Yes it has been quite a while I'm announcing something new and finalized. After finally getting myself settling down, I'm proud to announce that I'll be working with Canvas Corp Brands as their Creative Crew for next year, offering extensive product usage and online tutorials/classes.

It's a good come back to rejoin the community and I intend to do this for as long as I could and will be actively searching around to work with various companies. I hope I'm able to offer more useful techniques to all people alike, whether you are just a hobbyist or someone going through some adversity that need some creative outlet to cope.

Do stay with me. 


Tuesday 3 January 2017

Tim Holtz Winner's Badge

Alright, allow me to be a show-off for today. I'm crazily proud (please let me boost a bit as I'm on cloud nine) to win Tim Holtz' December tag challenge just in nick of time before he ends his 12 tags of the year series. 

#OMG! Look at the badge given by Mario above👆, it's finally one thing I can show off at the side bar 👈 on this awesome blog of mine!

Monday 2 January 2017

I Won Something from Tim Holtz!!

Happy 2017 Everyone!!!

I wish I had some artwork to share for today but I think it'd be great to announce some good news!! Something good as a start for 2017!!!

👆 Can't help to conceal my happiness but I need to shout this out LOUD!!! ðŸ‘†

I heard about Tim's 12 tags of the year about a year ago and I took upon as a new form of challenge by participating only last year for 2 months (January and February) and I stopped in between before I came back last December. Alright it's my 3rd try and I won! I wanna feel proud and braggy about this for the beginning of this new year!!! Can't believe my tag was chosen by Tim's team!!! Can you see myself floating on cloud nine now?!? 

Though it's something worth rejoicing, it also saddens me that Tim is ending his 12 tags of the year challenge for good. Awww!!!! However, I'm very much looking forward for more creative techniques from him for 2017 and can't wait to participate!!!

To end this post, and before I'm off to email Mario on my prize pack, I wish everyone the merriest 2017 ahead and may everyday be a cute day for you! Of course for me, I'm ready in the mode to create more creative and cute projects for 2017! It would be a cute year ahead!!

Sunday 16 October 2016

Updates and What's Brewing

It has been nearly 6 months past since I updated on my blog here. Alas! Finally despite all the hurdles; trying to strike a balance in my life and finding peace, I managed to set aside some time to login and do some blogging and updates here.

Life has been rather difficult for me especially during the past 6 months where I decided to focus on my health and managing various issues in my life. Working as a part-time service crew selling sandwiches and coffee have certainly molded the way how I look at things, from a very different perspective. Humbly and without any prejudice, I got to appreciate the essence of what it takes to be serious about the job I'm holding onto. Even I'm just there clocking hours to get my hourly pay, inevitably very quickly I was part of the system where everyone is fighting and working so hard to earn a living, making ends meet. I was once highly paid, sitting comfortably in my office flying around the world to get businesses done, and those days where I worked as a waitress to pay off my tuition fee was over and done. Never did I expect nor see myself back to the similar situation again after 2 decades past. Should I lament or feel sad about it? I struggled and faced difficulties to readjust myself to the choice(s) I made. I've yet to throw the towel, since I've been very accepting and humble on the various circumstances I've been put into. For the very least, I'm still getting to enjoy the very fundamental liberty as a human being God has given - the freedom to live. I still have the freedom to make choices in my life.

There's always problems and issues in life that will never go away. It can be very tiring to keep thinking about them, hoping they will either resolve themselves or go away. Too much energy wasted and it can be emotionally draining if I kept focusing on my problems and not doing things I should be doing. Rather, I'd want to take all my problems with a pinch of salt and stay ignorant about it. Sometimes waiting can be one of the best solutions momentarily; impatience kills and make people irrational. However, waiting can be a painful process. In order to maintain my inner sanity and keep my creativity alive, and without any fear, I'm making a comeback, ready to create and share. This seems to be one of the constructive ways to channel my energy to the correct source without feeling so void and dejected about my various circumstances.

As a fresh start, with full of hope and excitement, I'm starting to clear some of my crafty stuffs, gradually organizing my social media, and getting back to some of my WIPs. I have also listed some of my past projects for sales in my Etsy store, in hope to earn some revenue. Do feel free to pop by my store and take a look. Any sales will be a form of encouragement and motivation for me to continue to create and share. To extend my appreciation, I'm offering a 10% discount with a minimum purchase of $20, simply enter "10OFF" during checkout.

This Poo Fairy can be purchased at my Etsy store here.

Taking what the Poo Fairy said, it's time to let go. We all know how it feels to be all bottled up; staying overly constipated is just unhealthy, not to say, on an emotional level. Farting it off, the instant relief of gas out from your bowel will just make you feel great, your tummy will get smaller, and you will also get to feel as if you are a few pounds lighter. Burden's off your tummy!

Monday 8 February 2016

It's February!!

Oh yeah! I know it's February!! The month of LOVE is here. Pardon me as I was really busy again due to the Chinese New Year season that's happening this week. There's a lot of spring cleaning to do. As much as I'd want to spare some time to craft, unfortunately time is really limited. 

Moreover, my Instagram account was being hacked a few nights ago and this seriously didn't make my evening any better. I was away for my shower, just 15 minutes away and I was back with tons of Instagram notifications on my iPhone which was really abnormal. I was wondering who are these people? Suddenly people are obsessed over my Instagram. As I logged into the app my feed was greeted with tons of nude and obscene pics with a link beneath each pic for an invitation to have sex with me. These images kept posting at every few minutes and my fingers weren't fast enough to delete everything. This was seriously insane!!! For over an hour or two, I became an overnight Instagram porn star and was being pimped. This explained why I had a sudden surge in likes and followers.

Thankfully, someone FB messaged me about this. Anna DÄ…browska, Finnabair also dropped me a kind message. Oh I was so thankful!! Luckily I was able to reset my password at the end of the day as I wasn't able to change my password initially. I was also being reported by some users which I can totally understand 'cos those pics were really inappropriate. The entire ordeal that was happening on my Instagram was so awful that some of my followers have to unfollow me. Finally at the end of the day I managed to rectify the issue and deleted all the pics away. Now everything is back to normal.

There's really no way to stop this kind of stuffs from happening and it seems that these people are out to to hijacked other users' account to sell sex which eventually will lead to your account being deleted permanently by Instagram. Though I was quick enough to address the issue immediately and manage to keep my account, I wasn't able to report this matter to Instagram. I'm not sure what will really happen to my account in the future but I do hope I won't get implicated by the laws or whatsoever. I'd suggest for all Instagram users to change/reset your password to a much stronger one to prevent this kind of incident from happening.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

I Won A Challenge

It has been a seriously long time I ever send in my projects for challenges... So somewhere in May, I decided to submit one of my Pion's ATB project for I Am Roses Blog Challenge... And I won!!! Here is my winning entry... More details about this project can be viewed here... If you love to one of these ATBs, I've listed them in my Etsy store for sale...

Sunday 31 May 2015

My Artist Facebook Page...

It seems very much like a convenience to share my works and interact with my existing Facebook account, but as I get busier I noticed I hardly really do that... Instead I flood my account with quite a number of rubbish... Yes, I don't deny that I posted some nonsensical stuffs at times... After weeks of contemplation, I finally decided to set up a Facebook Page for myself... At least this will be a no nonsense page and solely about my works, WIPs (work in progress) and what's happening in my petite studio... It's also an opportunity for me to share and showcase some of my projects' BTS (behind the scene) in near future...

When I decided to click the "Create Page" button, a great sense of excitement came upon me... As I excitedly filling up the information and uploading photos, I realized something is missing... I started to notice I do need a logo for myself... It doesn't seems it's mandatory, but somehow I find there's a need... Though I've been trained informally in area of Graphic Design, doing up a logo is not really my thing... Even I had to, I'd probably come up with something unusual... For the sake of my sanity, I think it will be best to consult one of my friends who is in the field for decades... And, indeed I was given some advice and suggestions... My "Katie Z. Graphical Paperworks" has too many words... Seriously?!? I just changed my blog link and my Etsy shop name not too long ago!! Do I really have to make another change? That's what came to my mind first... After re-looking at it, he was pretty right though the ultimate decision still lies in me... After giving some good thought, I decided to remove the word "Graphical" and make it "Katie Z. Paperworks" instead, for the very least there's isn't much of a drastic change... And thank God, I had cut short the "Graphical" with a "g" for my blog link and shop name so it's not that bad afterall... All set and done!

Logo 1: Preferred and most favourite logo chosen...

The very next thing is to create a logo for myself that will represent my works best... Though I'm able to create and draw stuffs out, the process is going to take me very long given by the way how I work... Hence, to make things less frustrating I decided to search for some frames images to incorporate into my logo... Just by doing this, it took me several hours to find a couple of appropriate ones... And I finally came out with several designs and posted to my friend for advice... 

Logo 2: A secondary choice...

Logo 3: Seen as a logo for butter cookies maker despite it's cleaner and neater look...

My friend feels that Logo 3 is a better choice due to it's cleaner and neater appearance... About 1-2 of my friends felt that this logo is less cluttering and more suitable to be shown as a logo... However, to my youngest sister and her fellow friends and colleagues, they find this logo looks like a cookie; something danish butter cookies makers will use on their cookies tins... This is thus far the best interesting comments I received... Though I clearly understand the concept of having a clean, simple and straight-forward logo to showcase an identity of a corporate company, for my case I feel strongly that Logo 1 is more closely related to my works... I could be wrong at this very initial stage as I've yet to evolve into a full-fledged artist where there's a distinct identity... As I sent these logos around for my fellow friends to choose, majority of them choose Logo 1 with only one of them chose Logo 2 as a secondary choice...

At very end of the day I decided to choose Logo 1 as my logo for my Artist page and Etsy store... I hereby invite everyone to visit my Artist Facebook Page, join me and watch me grow together as I progress gradually as an Artist... And I hope to see some of you around... =)

Thursday 30 April 2015

Making it to the Graphic 45 Design Team for the 2nd Year

Oh Yes!!! I'm on the Graphic 45 DT for the second year!!! Yeah!!! I'm still absorbing the news though... Last night I struggled to sleep as I'm thinking how to complete one of my May assignments which I intend to make a tutorial out of it... Partly is also 'cos of the excitement for this DT announcement... 

Well, I guess it's due to the lack of sleep or my brain is still in Scatterland, I forgot about this completely till the various FB notifications from my fellow g45 DT members... Given the fact I placed my milk in the freezer this morning, indeed I was reacting a little slow today... Holly Heck!!! It seriously caught me by surprise and shocked me till my heart skipped a beat the moment I saw my name on the list... Goodness!!! I'm still in frozen moment... Join me in this excitement and welcome this year DT...

Belly Lau - China
Brit Sviggum - Norway
Donna Espiritu - Saudi Arabia
Joanne Bain - Australia
Katie Zoey Ho - Singapore (That's ME!! Holly Heck!!!)
Solange Marques - Brazil
Tanya Dudkina - Russia
Tati Scrap - Spain

Graphic 45 Ambassadors

(This is an invitation-only program for educators. What amazing artists and teachers on this list!)

Jane Tregenza - Australia

Pardon me, I seriously feel like a slow poke today...

Getting excited is one thing, the next most exciting thing is I can boggle my creative brain cells for another good year with Graphic 45... As pervertic as I could be, I pinkies and thumbies swear that I'll be bringing more interesting projects that will blow you away... This week new paperlines preview is just insane!!! Look at this year Halloween collection - Rare Oddities!!! How crazy can this be?!? I wanted to build a curio shop diorama since beginning of last year using the Olde Curiosity Shoppe collection but for whatever hell reasons I didn't attempt, and now being part of the DT again for the 2nd year, there's absolutely no reasons for not doing one up... Wow!! I'm all maxed out but I love it... Hope over to their blog here and here for the preview... You will not regret it...

I shall see you guys very soon again... 

Smooches... XOXO

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Change of my Blog URL

If you had noticed (or managed to come here correctly), my current blog URL ( is indeed shorter compared to my previous one ( and relates well with my blog title which I changed it somewhere in September last year... No more identity crisis and confusion... Whenever people ask me for my blog address, they will always freak out when I wrote the URL link down on the whiteboard... It was pretty long... And it has been quite a hassle to the extend that  I'll just get them to google my name instead as it's easier to search me this way over the internet... This actually brought me to a point that I should just change my blog URL for the better and for the sake of every human convenience... It makes my life much easier as well...

People who know me well will know I'm also known as "katsigner" a nick that's with me for 15 years... I often represented myself as "katsigner", a pseudonym for all my creative works and online personal writing way before Facebook was born... Back then, I was always dreaming myself as a designer, hence I came up with "katsigner as a combination of my name "Katie" and the word "Designer", in hope one day I can be one... Gradually, this becomes a nick for all my social media platforms in today's 21st Century... 

The initial idea of setting up this "KatsignerScrapbookingCafe" blog was solely an interest base blog when I started to get my hands onto scrapbooking in 2008... Plus I'm also a very cafe person, I had this idea of able to scrap in a cafe, hence this long title... Pretty obvious, I was just plain lazy and too used on my nick that I came up with something so lame, so nonsensical and bloody long for a blog address... It didn't occur to me that I'll be venturing into this seriously and gradually wanting to "evolve" further to get myself an identity as an artist... This will eventually be a showcase of all my works and creations that what I put on top in my blog is something I shouldn't ignore... I can't be possibly expecting people to just call me by my nick or just come by my little scrapbooking cafe here, it's so uncool... Hahaha... Guess I'm just being critical on myself...

Well, finally the URL has changed and changing links around all my social media networks seems like a major project especially on Pinterest!!! I'm sorry that if you had pinned my pins previously, unfortunately a change of address in my pins will not reflect on yours, that's the flaw of Pinterest... However, my old blog address still exists, mainly as an informative channel for people to know about this change... 

Moving on, in near future there will be more artistic works coming from me and I can't wait to share...

Thursday 2 April 2015

Making it to the Final Round for Graphic 45 DT

I recalled how excited I was when I saw my name on the top 30 list last year... Again, I made it into to top 25 list for this year DT call, an opportunity for my second term with Graphic 45... 

Super excited and yes I'll be boggling more on my creative brain cells for the upcoming final round and I hope I'm able to make it for the 2nd year...

Once again, join me to celebrate this joy with the rest of the finalists... And I shall see you guys very soon...


Tuesday 24 February 2015

Alpha Stamps Design Team

Alright, guess my hands will be pretty full for this year... Announcing that I'm part of Alpha Stamps as an international design team member... I'll be working with collages this time on their monthly kits... New exciting journey...

Thursday 4 December 2014

Amending Typo Error in Epiphany Layout

When you get too engrossed in finishing up a layout, sometimes mistakes do happen. As I happily finishing up my Epiphany layout and started sharing, I realized there's a typo in my lettering!!! I missed out a "h" from "Ephiphany"!!! Goodness how could I not check the spelling before adhering the letterings down.

Well, fret not. I decided to amend it. Luckily I glued them down using glossy accent, and managed to pick the last 3 letters up. Surprising glossy accent don't really ahere well on foam which made amending a hassle free one. It's also partly because I did the layout on canvas. If it was done on paper, I won't be able to pick them up as glossy accents stick to paper like no other business; I'd probably tear it. Phew!!! Thank God!!!

So here is the amended layout with the correct lettering.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Shimmerz Design Team

Working on paints and mediums is always on my list and I always love to explore more, to learn more and discover new techniques... It's also one way to train my creativity brain cells and in hope I can extend my skills and teach...

I've heard so much about Shimmerz and finally I'm in their Design Team next year... So exciting and hope I'm able to bring in more inspirations..
