Showing posts with label Prima Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prima Marketing. Show all posts

Monday 3 June 2024

Creating Cards from Forgotten Supplies

Confession time! I do hoard stuffs and Yes! I have quite an amount of craft supplies that I bought, kept unused and most of them still pretty much in their packaging. Moment of truth here - there won't be a time these supplies will be used up until I make effort to do something about it.

Some of the long old forgotten supplies in my stash

With daily fresh and new product releases and ideas bombarding on various social media feed every day, sometimes I feel I need a particular product to create better. Each time I got tempted and get myself with new supplies, before I knew it, my stash has already gotten bigger than all those crafting ideas I have in my mind. Before I run of space, I reckon it's best to make deliberate attempts to create out from those forgotten supplies. With what I had found, these are the cards I've created.

To share this refreshing moment on these long old supplies, I've made a short start-to-finish video on this. No special tools, techniques shown, merely how to assemble and transform these supplies into a card.

Added some encouraging bible verses at the back of each card

It actually feels good to clear some stuffs and make way for more space. This won't be my only and last deliberate attempt. I will be making more of such projects in coming days. I hope this short sharing is encouraging enough to make deliberate attempts to create out from your existing and forgotten supplies.

Below is a list of supplies I used to make these cards. Most of them are retired or not available in major craft stores, however you might be able to find some of them on eBay or Etsy. However, I don't encourage to get more and if you happen to have these supplies on hand, this is one way to use them in your project.


Clicking the links below will bring you to a new page.
  • Pattern papers from 7gypsies Mix & Match book
  • Ticket stubs from Tim Holtz Ideology Adage tickets book
  • K&C watercolour florals layering accents
  • Jenni Bowlin cardstock stickers (butterfly banner in black)
  • Prima Marketing Say it Crystals & acrylic embellishments
  • American Crafts 12x12 80lb black cardstocks (AMZAMZSG)
  • Kokuyo Dotliner Hold tape runner (AMZSG)
  • Ek Success circle foam dots (SB, AMZ, AMSG)
  • Other supplies - old dictionary papers, crystals embellishments, jute trims & ribbons
SB (, AMZ (Amazon), AMZSG (
Compensated affiliated links used are at no cost to you, refer HERE for more information.

Wednesday 23 June 2021

K&E Victorian Display Placard Décor

Talking about wedding gifts, most often they're generally gifted in either white or colours that depict happiness and purity. For this instance, I chose a something different. As I didn't get to attend one of my friends' wedding last year due to the pandemic where large scale event was prohibited, I didn't manage to gift her something. Took me this long, and I decided to repurpose and customize one of my past artworks to do up this simply placard décor for her and her newly-wed husband.

I die-cut several of the first letter of their names, "K" and "E" using Tim Holtz alphanumeric dies and glue them together to make it thicker; as if they're chipboard thick. Bend them a little to fit into the slightly curve surface of the heart. Added more glitter, some mica from Prima and top it up a little golden crown. Finally, add a strip of Bible verse (Ephesians 4:2-3) for them at the bottom of the placard. 

The corners of the glass are pretty sharp and I don't think it's wise to gift something that will likely prick your finger. In order to protect them, I covered them up using Graphic 45 ornate metal corners and glide them with some gold gilding paste. 

I added the lovely couple names and their wedding date behind within this little ornate plastic frame I've in my stash. Took me some time to figure out how to mount onto glass without a need to break the glass to fit. Glossy accent is the key and they do hold well without changing the colours and design elements I've done on the placard. This is part where I adhere the placard onto the glass using plenty of glossy accent. They dry clear without leaving much residue unlike some solvent based glue. Plus point is they're actually quite strong!  Added some golden flat pearls and ornate corners that I die-cut from Graphic 45 policy & decorative die.

Oh well, I might be sieving through my past artwork and will try to repurpose them as gifts or other projects. For now, this artwork of mine has finally found a home for a newly married couple. I wish them all the best in their marriage!


Monday 7 June 2021

A Bunch of Bohemia Bazaar Thank You Cards

Graphic 45's Bohemia Bazzar is actually quite an understated paper collection. Perhaps it's due to its very vibrant and geometrical colours and designs, it can be hard to balance the elements and colours together in a single project. I do think so. However, when comes to making cards, it might be a little easier. Making use of it's vibrancy, I made 4 cards that's strikingly vibrant with each of its distinct colours.

Prior to the start of the pandemic, I've been making cards for various preachers from the USA when they're here to preach to local congregations. Well, these cards are made in 2019 just before the outbreak of COVID-19. 

As usual, personalised messages are printed and pasted on the back of the cards for each of them.

Well, breaking away from the vibrancy, I decided to make 2 cards from the collection with a more pleasant colour palette; practically can't really tell it's from the same paper collection. And this comes with choice of colours and design elements which I decided to use just green and blue only. Apparently, it's not that scary to work with this collection and I was actually quite pleased with the outcome.

These cards are well gifted and I hope they love the vibrancy of these handmade cards. Due to the pandemic and several travel restrictions, I think it's going to be a few more years before I can meet them again in person.

Friday 7 May 2021

Talking About Mood Boards for a Recycling Project

It's almost 2 years! Ever since my last entry till we're in a pandemic situation, I decided to get myself back into crafting to ease the stress and tension that's related to COVID-19, as a form of outlet. There were some projects done in midst, however I simply didn't take the time to get myself active in blogging. Well, I'd reckon perhaps only a few will read.

Nonetheless, in today's entry I'd like to talk about mood boards; something many creative individuals will know what I'll be talking about. Please pardon me as I'm not a trained creative artist, as I'm mostly self-taught. This is a 2019 project class I've devised for a group of ladies, teaching them about recycling and how creating a mood board will help to facilitate ideas. 

And this is my mood board for a recycled project I had in mind, which took me quite some time to research on. Decided to use some felt, paper scraps and some embellishments from my stash to create this cactus penholder.

To make the penholder more interesting to use, I actually adhere pins at the back of the wooden embellishments and poke through some felt balls. At least there's some fun elements in place to play around with the cactus!

In a nutshell, these are the various recyclable materials I've used for this project.

Well, click HERE to download my notes for the class if you'd like to know more about mood boards and how to use them as guides to build a project. Feel free to let me know how this will benefit in creating recyclable projects at home. Meanwhile, have fun and I'll be back for another entry soon. 

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Magical Fairy Tooth Gift Box for The Koays

One of the brethren in my church actually fell in love with my work after I showed him my blog on what I'm doing over here as a crafter/artist. Despite not an avid crafter himself, he was rather amazed by the work I do. So much so that he even watched most of my YouTube videos and read my blog, just to found my tutorial on the making of the fairy tooth door shrine an impressive one. 

And so... from there on after much communication about my works, he thought it'd be good to get something for the kids he adores from the church in Perth. Without much hesitation, this fairy tooth door is the ultimate choice for them.

It came so handy right after I've created one as my pioneer blog post for Graphic 45 as their ambassador last year. As it's going to be a gift, I decided to do up a shadow box specifically to fit the door in so that it will be easier for them to bring it over to Australia as well as for easy storage when it reaches the hands of the children. Took a great amount of Fairie Dust papers to doll up the shadow box. Not to mention, abundance of flowers on top of the box. These are Graphic 45 ivory flowers which I've colour sprayed them with some Prima purple mist to match the papers. 

I've also added a few Petaloo blooms and some other floral elements.

Bottles of pixie and fairy dust that sit well on top of a nest.

Presenting far more than just a fairy tooth door, I decided to get the tooth fairy Pdf printout from the whimsical mess maker lady Nicola Battilana. This will be so much fun in using this kit! And I heard the kids really love it very much.

For your interest, below is the list of supplies I used for this project together with links to where to get them. Unfortunately, most of the Fairie Dust collection ran out of stocks.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

A Bride-to-Be Card for the Gorgeous Bride

"Happiness blossoms where seeds of kindness have been thoughtfully planted."

I'm not sure who actually came out with that quote, nonetheless it's a thoughtfully penned phrase and I'd think it doesn't really cost that much to be kind. It's all about the thoughts that count. One of my lovely sisters-in-Christ, Sarah is getting married real soon, and in celebration of her upcoming Wedding, a group of us decided to throw her a bridal shower. I was therefore tasked to do up a card for her.

And here is what I've made for her, which was already presented to her 2 weeks ago during her bridal shower. Garden Goddess was my immediate choice of paper collection simply because ladies in general love flowers and have somehow wished we could be one of the most gorgeous ladies in a beautiful garden. I'd love to have such moment as such.  

"The flower doesn't dream of the bees. It blossoms and the bee comes."
~ Mark Nepo ~

That's the core message for Sarah. And this is how much I love to use this collection for weddings! Full of blossoms, flowers and quotes as such. For beauty blossoms from the inside, that's where happiness come within! When the flower blossoms beautifully, the bee just come. This reminds me of Proverbs 31:10-31, The Virtuous Wife which describes a woman of exceptional character and worth. This really serves as a very good guide for women in how to become like one. Likewise, a good search list for a man to seek after such woman.

To adorn and frame up those lovely messages, I pulled out one of my Spellbinders die kits and use them for the very first time. A little shout out here for Spellbinders lovers - get a 15% first for your first club kit subscription. Key in CLUB15 under promo during checkout. Don't miss it! It's only good till this month end.

Gold foil cardstock is my favourite friend now! Trust me, they are the MUST HAVE cardstock in your stash simply because they serve as very good matching base and elements for all your elegant cards. A touch of it will just sparkle the whole thing up.

A card itself is never enough to be gifted alone, and this is where the matching pattern and solids come in place to play a vital role - an envelope. I just felt "naked" for the card and perhaps some "coverings" will be good. When it was all done, I found them to be very good...

Before Graphic 45 discontinued matching alpha stickers, I've loads of them all given by them as part of my DT package previously before I make a come-back to re-join them for this year. It got so much that I just stored them in a huge box thinking it's probably one of the items that I hardly will use. Well, it came in handy at such a point that I believe it'd be good to personalize the card for Sarah. The alpha stickers came from the Time to Celebrate paper collection; the closest match I could find and it matches the whole theme seamlessly.

I've included some useful tips over at Graphic 45 blog. Do remember to hop over there to find out more. And yes! Sarah is glad to receive this! To end of this entry for today:

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy. They are charming gardeners who make our souls blossom...
~ Marcel Proust ~

Isn't that lovely? I just love how these quotes matches the paper collection. Below are a list of supplies I've used to do up this card which you may be interested to know where to get them:
That's all for today! And I know I've not been really updating as often, but I do honestly appreciate for all of you who are avid and faithful followers of my works, patient enough to wait for my works. I'll be updating really soon!