Showing posts with label Deals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deals. Show all posts

Wednesday 5 December 2018

What's Really Brewing; a Merci Beaucoup Entry...

It's probably one of those period of time I went "missing" online; not updating my blog and other social media for an extended period of time. I was on a break for 3 months prior to my first entry for this month. Prior to that, somewhere last year, I was on a long 9 months break before I made my blog entry on November last year. Yet I left some traces of my digital footprints over at my personal Facebook and Instagram. For those who are curious on what I've been up to, perhaps this entry will probably fulfill your curiosity.

As such is life, things do happen. In as much when most of us tried to keep ourselves abreast to what's going on around us, certain things tend to happen that are not always within our control. For me, I'm no exception and sometimes I wish I can stay committed on one thing at a time. But we all know that's not always possible. Most of the times, we've to wear a lot of different hats - switching from one role to another - or even several hats at the same time. It can be hard to stay focus.

Like what I've stated above, things happened and it was a major one that impacted my life so greatly that God is all I have. In early 2017, I started to develop an immense interest towards the Bible and would want to "renew" my faith with God and decided to go through a series of self study of the Bible. That's the period of time I went "missing" between February to October last year. Never would I know, I was embarking onto a spiritual journey to seek a Truth that changed my life forever. I was a "Christian" for close to 13 years worshiping in a denominational church that my faith wasn't really there. Though there were Sundays I attended worships and services, I was there merely there for the sake of "refreshing" my faith.

Because I was brought to Christ via The Sinners' Prayer together with the doctrine of "once saved always saved", it was only natural for me to think that it's only rightful I'll be in Heaven after my death regardless of what I do in my current life which include sins of any sorts (from as small as telling a little white lie, saying things and don't mean it, passing awful remarks about someone behind their back, gossiping, calling God's name in vain to slandering, stealing, cheating, murdering etc. just to name a few - Romans 1:28-32). Whenever I didn't feel like attending any sort of services or even renege my words, I highly doubt God will fault me on that. Since my ticket to Heaven is already secured no matter what I do or say, does that really matter? Well, not till after a series of Bible studies and I found out that it's not true... God knows everything and He will judge (Hebrews 4:13)!

The more I study the Bible, it was even more scary and perplexing for me to find out I wasn't even saved to begin with. Because of my will and desire to honestly seek for Him (Jeremiah 29:13-14), I went through weeks of searching to get myself into the ONE true Church of Christ where Jesus built upon (1 Peter 2:9-10). I'm not going to go through all the details here for it's going to be way too long for a blog entry. Long story short, after coming to the knowledge of the Truth, I finally got myself baptized for the remission of my sins (Romans 6:4) on 16th June 2017 at Lim Ah Pin Church of Christ (LAPCOC), one of the faithful congregations under the body of Christ; I was officially born a Christian.

After my baptism, as a new babe of Christ (even I've done quite a substantial amount of Bible studies), I stumbled and fell several times in my life while trying to walk in the light. And this explains my second "missing" during the last 3 months here. Traces of me "disappearing" started from June onward, to be more accurate. I apologized that I've not been really updating and most of my DT assignments got stalled because of that. I was trying out certain things and got myself too overwhelmed by the things of the world. It was till recently, after a series of lectureships and Gospel meetings I attended brought me into perspective. I should say I'm at the period of readjusting and will be busy with the right things (I hope and praying hard for this). As some of you probably have known, I'd like to make my crafting interest into a full time career. It has always been at the back of my mind and every time I think about it I really want to execute them immediately. Alas! It didn't always happen. I'm always distracted and get caught up by things around me. I'm actually praying for this and hope one day it will really happen.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the faithful brethren (just way too many to list them out here!) behind WVBS, Apologetic Press and LAPCOC who has worked relentlessly to preach the one and only pure Word of God to the lost that I'm able to seek the Truth as a lost soul.

Certainly, for my avid followers of my works I'd like to thank you for your patience in waiting for my new works and to read my lengthy post as such (if you've reached this point)! If you ever wonder where I got the graphics from the image above, it's from one of my works that I used as a background artwork. It's one of the butterfly cards I made for John Moore and his wife, Carla. I watched his videos online to find my way to the LORD's Church. I also use them as part of my entry for Graphic 45 Ambassador Audition which you can click onto the link to read more.

Over here, I'd like to extend a 10% OFF OFFER to all my readers as their affiliate. No extra cost to you (I promised!) and this will certainly help me to earn some pennies when you purchase something via my link; a step closer to convert my interest into a full-time one. To redeem your offer for your next purchase, enter code: SBSAVE10 during checkout. Alright, before you head over to Spellbinders to redeem your offer, here are some fine prints that you may want to take note:

Save 10% OFF your next purchase. Must use provided coupon code at time of purchase. If code is not used at time of purchase then order will be ineligible for discounted rate. Offer good only on products purchased at Offer is one time use; individual consumer use only; not for distribution; Clearance is excluded, excludes tax & shipping; not valid on any previous web, phone or retail purchases; cannot be redeemed for cash; cannot be combined with any other offer; void where prohibited. Offer expires 12/31/2018.

Enjoy shopping and crafting!!! LORD's willing, till next time...

Tuesday 15 May 2018

A French Carnival Sweet Paper Jar

Good day everyone! 

I'm so glad despite of my recent erratic hours, I manage to squeeze some time in between to showcase an interesting way in how to embellish a paper jar using the various dies from Spellbinders for Canvas Corp Brands' Product Match Up series. This will be especially useful if you're their Club Kit members.

I've this French Carnival idea at the back of my mind with an attempt to do up a Parisian concept-base project. I deliberately chose red and ivory as my main colours and would love to do up something sweet for a friend and sister-in-Christ. Without much consideration, I decided to do up another paper jar, based on a tutorial I did for my Graphic 45 Ambassador Audition entry last month. To give the jar a some dainty look, I added some Tresor de Luxe laces around the jar before embellishing. Move over to Canvas Corp blog here to view how I get all this done up! 

So here is the final product (with more pictures below) which I've already gifted to my friend on Sunday for her birthday. I filled up the jar with some sweets and small gifts within the gift box prior in gifting, which are not captured in the pictures here. However, this can serve as a good gift idea that's one of a kind; handmade and nowhere else available for purchase. After all sweets are consumed, the jar itself can be continued used as it labelled as or to store other things.

The top of the lid...

The gift box...

Using an eye bolt screw, I hang a small tag with handwritten birthday wishes beneath the lid that further make this gift a more personalized one. Well, that's how I used the various Spellbinders Club Kit dies to compliment and match up the various papers from Canvas Corp. If you're not or yet to become Spellbinders Club Kit member, you can simply sign up as a new member and get 15% off your fist kit by using this coupon code: CLUB15. As good as it'll last, therefore do sign up before it's gone for good!! 

Below is a full list of supplies I used for this project together with various links in where to get them:

    Monday 5 March 2018

    Spellbinders Club Kits (Certainly with Offers & Deals)

    Just not very long ago, I started to make some cards. Not because I'm into cardmaking, mainly is because of wanting to attempt smaller projects by using the various club kits I bought from Spellbinders. And making cards is probably one of the easiest projects. I started off by getting a few  kits without subscribing to try out the dies. And here are the cards I've made so far using the club kits I had purchased previously, which are still available for purchase as past club kits.

    Click HERE for more details about this project.
    Purchase this die set Here

    Click HERE for more details about this project.
    Purchase this die set Here

    Oh well, I should say their monthly dies are too pretty to own that I decided to subscribe to one of their value clubs. I went for their Die Hard club. For my very 1st month, I'm enjoying a 15% OFF to join the club!!! This makes me a happy camper and can't wait to receive my kit for this month!!! 😃

    The code is valid for first time subscribers for the very 1st month, and this offer is just too good not to share. Click on the image above to find out more. Remember to enter Code: CLUB15 to enjoy the offer for the 1st month. It's as good as it lasts, till further notice.

    If you love to get some other lovely dies of theirs, I'm also extending a 10% OFF OFFER to all my readers as their affiliate. To redeem your offer for your next purchase, enter code: SBSAVE10 during checkout. Alright, before you head over to Spellbinders to redeem your offer, here are some fine prints that you may want to take note:

    Save 10% OFF your next purchase. Must use provided coupon code at time of purchase. If code is not used at time of purchase then order will be ineligible for discounted rate. Offer good only on products purchased at Offer is one time use; individual consumer use only; not for distribution; Clearance is excluded, excludes tax & shipping; not valid on any previous web, phone or retail purchases; cannot be redeemed for cash; cannot be combined with any other offer; void where prohibited. Offer expires 12/31/2018.

    Enjoy shopping!!! And I shall be back really soon for new projects and tutorials. Therefore, do stay tune...

    Sunday 17 December 2017

    A Blessed Thank You Card

    I've recently bought some club kits from Spellbinders after viewing some interesting project ideas on Facebook. Without much hesitation, I bought the September club kit that came with this very beautiful large lace dies after getting inspired at that moment. 

    As usual, I won't have much of the ideas in what I want to do when the dies finally reached me. And this explains why sometimes I'll be a little slow in using them. Considered that one of our fellow brethren from the U.S. was coming to edifying us via the Gospel meeting last month in November, I decided to volunteer to do up a Thank You card for him to show our appreciation in his earnest effort in serving the LORD. This was where I got to play with the large dies I bought.  

    Looking into my stash, I still have these rather old collections (Engrave and Printery) from Prima Marketing that I haven't been using them that much. Hence, I decided to do up a masculine Victorian card that displays mainly scripted texts and damasks, which coincidentally goes really very well with the flourish etched dies I bought together with the September club kit. 

    A heartfelt message was printed onto premium paper and was mounted at the back of the card. To give some dimension and sparkles, I finished off the card with some jewels around the diecuts, both front and back of the card.

    Though the September club kits are no longer available to purchase at membership pricing, the large die set is still available for purchase here. If you are interested in joining the Spellbinders Club Membership, they are having a 15% off for the 1st month when you sign up. Offer will end this year end (till 31st December 2017). Unfortunately, most of the December club kits are sold out for now, however worry not as very soon they will be launching the January club kits very soon before the end of this year. When the kits are launched for purchase, you will be able to enjoy the discount.

    A list of supplies used for this project can be found below. Click onto the links to purchase the various Spellbinders dies and supplies if you are interested to get. 

    List of Supplies:

    Sunday 16 October 2016

    Updates and What's Brewing

    It has been nearly 6 months past since I updated on my blog here. Alas! Finally despite all the hurdles; trying to strike a balance in my life and finding peace, I managed to set aside some time to login and do some blogging and updates here.

    Life has been rather difficult for me especially during the past 6 months where I decided to focus on my health and managing various issues in my life. Working as a part-time service crew selling sandwiches and coffee have certainly molded the way how I look at things, from a very different perspective. Humbly and without any prejudice, I got to appreciate the essence of what it takes to be serious about the job I'm holding onto. Even I'm just there clocking hours to get my hourly pay, inevitably very quickly I was part of the system where everyone is fighting and working so hard to earn a living, making ends meet. I was once highly paid, sitting comfortably in my office flying around the world to get businesses done, and those days where I worked as a waitress to pay off my tuition fee was over and done. Never did I expect nor see myself back to the similar situation again after 2 decades past. Should I lament or feel sad about it? I struggled and faced difficulties to readjust myself to the choice(s) I made. I've yet to throw the towel, since I've been very accepting and humble on the various circumstances I've been put into. For the very least, I'm still getting to enjoy the very fundamental liberty as a human being God has given - the freedom to live. I still have the freedom to make choices in my life.

    There's always problems and issues in life that will never go away. It can be very tiring to keep thinking about them, hoping they will either resolve themselves or go away. Too much energy wasted and it can be emotionally draining if I kept focusing on my problems and not doing things I should be doing. Rather, I'd want to take all my problems with a pinch of salt and stay ignorant about it. Sometimes waiting can be one of the best solutions momentarily; impatience kills and make people irrational. However, waiting can be a painful process. In order to maintain my inner sanity and keep my creativity alive, and without any fear, I'm making a comeback, ready to create and share. This seems to be one of the constructive ways to channel my energy to the correct source without feeling so void and dejected about my various circumstances.

    As a fresh start, with full of hope and excitement, I'm starting to clear some of my crafty stuffs, gradually organizing my social media, and getting back to some of my WIPs. I have also listed some of my past projects for sales in my Etsy store, in hope to earn some revenue. Do feel free to pop by my store and take a look. Any sales will be a form of encouragement and motivation for me to continue to create and share. To extend my appreciation, I'm offering a 10% discount with a minimum purchase of $20, simply enter "10OFF" during checkout.

    This Poo Fairy can be purchased at my Etsy store here.

    Taking what the Poo Fairy said, it's time to let go. We all know how it feels to be all bottled up; staying overly constipated is just unhealthy, not to say, on an emotional level. Farting it off, the instant relief of gas out from your bowel will just make you feel great, your tummy will get smaller, and you will also get to feel as if you are a few pounds lighter. Burden's off your tummy!