Showing posts with label Rare Oddities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rare Oddities. Show all posts

Tuesday 31 May 2016

My Farewell Entry for Graphic 45

Alas! Finally... Today on 31st May 2016 is my very last DT entry for Graphic 45. As of today, it's also my very last officially day to leave Graphic 45 as their DT member. My 2 years with them is finally (and sadly) come to an end. Though I may be able to reapply into their team again in the future, I don't actually see that happening any time soon. I wish I could if I ever had the opportunity and chance to do so. If this ever permits, I hope to see myself being on the team again.

I was pretty inactive this year and hardly have time to create new projects, including updating my blog (my blog is still snowing despite summer is here! Alright giving you guys some coolness here! LOL!). Part of it due to the various unsettling draggy situations in my life (for those who frequent my blog probably know what's happening). Another part of it is due to my health; my back started to give me serious problems early this year due to long hours of sitting for extended period of time. I craft, blog and work on my desk seated and I can stay seated for hours without walking around. As a scoliosis sufferer, sitting for too long for extended period of time is seriously a bad thing as the spine takes more than 180% of your weight while you are sitting. Though my curve was pretty mild, just by sitting for hours for the past 2 years had indeed progressed my curve further and I started to develop secondary curvature. It reached to a point that I need to get myself to work physically in an environment that I need to move myself around to release some of my back tension, which somewhere this early February I started to work as a part-time service crew in a F&B cafe serving coffee and sandwiches. Eventually I was on SpineCor bracing to correct and prevent any further progression. However, it will only work best when I'm moving around with the brace on, not sitting and lying down. Be'cos of this, I've to allocate at least 7hr daily to work in the cafe with the brace on for a period of 12-18 months. It's tiring and physically draining but as I noticed a slight improvement on my curvature, I know it's worth the effort. 

My marriage, my dad, my health etc are various issues which have been impeding me from creating consistently. As much as I would love to have all the time devoted in creating, I'm unable to given the fact (especially) my health is at risk which I seriously need to make a choice. I can't possibly create effectively with so many things going on even I've tons of ideas at the back of mind, awaiting to be produced. I wish for another me who can manage all these aspects of my life so that I can continue to create and inspire wholeheartedly. Very unfortunately, I'm a mere human with very limited ability. This is the real facade of life and I just have to juggle it well and learn how to manage them. 

So away from all these, here I'm sharing some of my favourite projects I've done for Graphic 45 while I was with them for the past 2 years on today's entry. Can't bear to leave and I wish I could stay longer...

PDF tutorials of these suitcases can be purchased in my Etsy store.

This piece can be purchased in my Etsy store here.

And here are some of my past projects that I'd love to showcase today however there're just simply too many to share so I decided to share a couple of them here on my blog instead.  

This piece can be purchased at my store here.

And here are all my obsessions with crates begins. Simply can't get enough of them that I had indeed created 3 projects out of it using the Home Sweet Home paper collection; another favourite collection of mine. One of them is a special tutorial I did for Graphic 45 which was recently being shared in their blog that I didn't manage to share it on my blog. But nevertheless, I still would love to share it here!

A PDF tutorial can be downloaded here.

Lastly, one of the previous Enchanted Forest garden project that I didn't manage to share on my blog as well as one new bathroom art project using Voyage Beneath the Sea paper collection that didn't get a chance to be shared on Graphic 45 blog. I should have included it as part of today's farewell's entry but it was too late to get it included. 

I wish I could have more time to elaborate more the above last 2 projects; how I get inspired and get them done out but it's getting a little too late right now and I need to rest my back. I still have outstanding projects to be completed and yet to be shared. Stay tuned and I hope after my crafting journey with Graphic 45, with more flexibility in terms of time I hope I should be able to produce more creative and quality works in the future.

I do read the comments over at the blog as well and I can't help to feel grateful for all the compliments and kind works g45ers have left for me. It's all these little encouragements that made my day and I wish I could have a daily dose of it to keep me going. As for now, I think it's inevitable to feel a little sad...

Thursday 1 October 2015

A Rare Oddity Whimsical Night Owl Candle Cover

Here is the most exciting thing that's happening this weekend! Presenting here my little creation for this Spellbinders Whimsical Woodland Blog Fest - A Night Owl Candle Cover. When I first received this dude, he's seriously small!!! I could barely paint his beaks and feet well. Does this reminds you of burning some sort of midnight oil?

Talking about burning midnight oil, staying up late to study is something (I believe) every student has gone through. It's also a very common notion for people who don't believe in studying consistently. Haha! I'm actually one of them simply because I'm a very forgetful person! What I study for today I can simply forget the following day! I've very forgetful brainy cells; they just love registering images more than words. I'm a visual learner and I prefer much in messing things up in the Lab to aid my understanding rather than reading strings of words (which I seriously hate).

Gone were the days where I had to burn tons of midnight oil. I wish I could just burn all my notes, digest them and throw them out on my exam papers and get distinctions! Wow! If someone had invented something like that, I'm 101% sure I'll BUY it at all cost! Alright, another digress rant of mine! Pardon me...

Here is the Snapguide tutorial, sit back and enjoy! There's a giveaway during these 3 days, do hop by each participating blogs to enter. Details can be found HERE. Happy crafting and Good Luck!!!


Tuesday 25 August 2015

Dr. Drake's Lab Oratory

During my entire collage years, while struggling hard to complete my Bachelor of Science, I was once very fascinated on the various colourful chemical reactions in the Chemistry Lab. One ultra boring subject - Inorganic Chemistry was one of my most hated modules. Yet making crystals and forming beautiful chemical reactions were one of my most look-forward Lab sessions. That was the only "colourful" hands-ons I could ever get throughout my entire Biomedical course. Haha! I just couldn't get enough of such hands-ons, just for the sake of viewing colourful chemical reactions. I think I can literally burn the whole Lab down if I wanna go crazy. My Prof would probably bar me from the Lab and fail me!

After I graduated and started to work in R&D, I never became a Chemist and was working on boring colourless, tasteless biological stuffs. Proteins, Bacteria and Viruses became my most best friends and they stinks! You bet on the kind of food e.coli eat, they smell and vomit proteins. Mind you, some of the drugs you are probably taking are spilled by these creatures. Oops! Not meant to freak you out, but some of them are just too good in making such stuffs and Scientists love them deeply. And could you imagine, I was making them vomiting proteins almost every week! 

This piece is available for sale HERE...

Alright I digress... So out of inspiration with my little Chemistry knowledge, I decided to build an interesting Lab Oratory owned by this freakish Professor, Dr. Drake for Graphic 45, Alpha Stamps and ScrapFX. It's a little Lab Chapel where he concocted all of his finest herbal and insects poisons. Beware as you enter his Lab and don’t get too freaked out by the huge Exhibit A entrance! He has most of the deadliest delights, charms, potions, herbs and notions you could ever think of. 

As you tour around his Lab, you will be amazed by this gigantic Sands of Time in his movable herb garden. Flip to see how those minute orange sand falls to time; a therapeutic way to keep your mind off. Beware! Evil hypnosis will take place when you stare of it too much. Before you could realize it, your brain will be hijacked!

Indeed a little freakish Lab Chapel! The Exhibit A speaks it all! Who would place such a display to freak people out? You bet, that's Dr. Drake...

Supplies List

Thursday 30 April 2015

Making it to the Graphic 45 Design Team for the 2nd Year

Oh Yes!!! I'm on the Graphic 45 DT for the second year!!! Yeah!!! I'm still absorbing the news though... Last night I struggled to sleep as I'm thinking how to complete one of my May assignments which I intend to make a tutorial out of it... Partly is also 'cos of the excitement for this DT announcement... 

Well, I guess it's due to the lack of sleep or my brain is still in Scatterland, I forgot about this completely till the various FB notifications from my fellow g45 DT members... Given the fact I placed my milk in the freezer this morning, indeed I was reacting a little slow today... Holly Heck!!! It seriously caught me by surprise and shocked me till my heart skipped a beat the moment I saw my name on the list... Goodness!!! I'm still in frozen moment... Join me in this excitement and welcome this year DT...

Belly Lau - China
Brit Sviggum - Norway
Donna Espiritu - Saudi Arabia
Joanne Bain - Australia
Katie Zoey Ho - Singapore (That's ME!! Holly Heck!!!)
Solange Marques - Brazil
Tanya Dudkina - Russia
Tati Scrap - Spain

Graphic 45 Ambassadors

(This is an invitation-only program for educators. What amazing artists and teachers on this list!)

Jane Tregenza - Australia

Pardon me, I seriously feel like a slow poke today...

Getting excited is one thing, the next most exciting thing is I can boggle my creative brain cells for another good year with Graphic 45... As pervertic as I could be, I pinkies and thumbies swear that I'll be bringing more interesting projects that will blow you away... This week new paperlines preview is just insane!!! Look at this year Halloween collection - Rare Oddities!!! How crazy can this be?!? I wanted to build a curio shop diorama since beginning of last year using the Olde Curiosity Shoppe collection but for whatever hell reasons I didn't attempt, and now being part of the DT again for the 2nd year, there's absolutely no reasons for not doing one up... Wow!! I'm all maxed out but I love it... Hope over to their blog here and here for the preview... You will not regret it...

I shall see you guys very soon again... 

Smooches... XOXO