Showing posts with label Pion Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pion Design. Show all posts

Saturday 27 January 2018


So far, it's very likely this is the most simplest and shortest project ever completed in less than an hour, with limited tools and supplies on hand. I made this well wishing card for a lovely couple who is going to get married this March. 

Today is a day for the bride-to-be after weeks of planning. Together with a few sisters, we organized a bachelorette party for her. And part of the programme was to do up a page for the couple, which forms part of an album for her retention. Most of the supplies are from my stash, which I gladly contributed for this party. If it's not due to this event, I wouldn't have dug out my Pion Design papers. Oh! How much have I missed for the past months no knowing these treasures I've in my stash?!? Nonetheless, I managed to do up something without any creative plan in mind. And this is solely on random mode - unprepared, unplanned and just jump in and do it!

It was indeed intriguing and interesting to do up a project as such. Without much other crafting tools with me such as 3D foam dots, glossy accents, etc. (the only tool I've was my precision scissors!), this is purely putting my creative mojo to a test. It felt so much like a sudden quiz where only nutty professors will provide, though we probably have been warned before hand. Still, at the end of the day I did enjoy the process and crafting together with my other sisters (whom probably don't have not much crafting background) together which made such a gathering a rather unique one. 

I hereby wish Ernest and Stephanie a blissful marriage ahead... God bless!!!


Friday 1 January 2016

Holly Jolly Twenty-16

It's 2016!!! Seriously, why does time flies so fast? Does he really slow down? Alright, I believe everyone feels that way except for children. They are dying to grow up fast and wish time will fly fast, but definitely not for grown ups. I regretted making that wish when I was a child. Damn!

These pair of fairies are available for sale Here

So the little child in me and very much wanted to still stay in the Christmas mode, I made these 2 little fairies, namely Holly and Jolly. They had been receiving presents, and very much of them that they need a sleigh to ferry them. But the naughty Jolly ditched the presents aside and wanted to parade with the sleigh instead!!!

Winged up with ornate wings and dressed in little puffy skirts and white bloom millinery, they seriously look very angelic here. Oh well, it's still winter. Certainly the fur over their skirts do keep them warm. 

Oh look at how beautiful the ornate wings are!!! And how can I ever miss out glitters? They sparkle the wings so well!!! 

See how petite the are in my hand. Love 'em!!!! Off they go with their sleigh. They will be busy opening the presents when they reach home. 

Holly and Jolly hereby wish everyone a very Happy New Year and have a Holly Jolly Twenty-16!!!

Monday 30 November 2015

A Soulful Heart

Lately, there was quite a number of unpleasant things happening around the world. There was the Paris attack on Friday the 13th, with a few terrorist and tension events that happened previously. These events are likely to be ongoing events. Years of tensions, conflicts built up and things don't happen overnight or instantly, and they happened for a reason and mainly due to human pride. When one becomes soulless, one don't feel and empathize. It seems like all humanity is gone at point of violence and evil acts.

I tend to question, when one returns to his rightful mind, will he be able to feel? To some point, I believe everyone does. Your heart will at least ache a beat when you are at your most soulful state. We are spiritual beings; souls covered with flesh and blood. There's a reason why we feel pain when we bleed. It's a real truth that humans are soulful beings.

As I feel so intensely about current world events, I tend to ponder how sad and discouraging the world has become. We have become more judgmental, opinionated, discouraging and uninspiring. Each individual gradually becomes an opinion of others. I wish the world can be a little more soulful.

Taking all my feelings and put them together I created this little soulful assemblage artwork using shades of gray as the base. The option of using dull grayish base represent the world; for the world is always that gray. It seems like everything sounds right yet look so wrong on many levels. Humans are unable to judge what's absolutely right or wrong correctly. True black and white don't seems to exist. While the addition of subtle warm colours within the grayish base represent the various soulful hearts of all mankind. I believe humans can be soulful, it's a matter of choice.

Setting this heart as the main focus among a pool of grays, I used a variety shades of red, white and tarnished brass to paint the resin heart making it as if it is a real flaming red heart. This is the main soul of this project.

This piece of art is available for sale in my shop here...

Friday 23 October 2015

A Spring Summer Sun Clock

Alright I'm on altered clock again. When I received my latest Pion Design DT pack which contained Linnaeus Botanical Journal collection and design colour palette, I had a hard time thinking of a project I could do. As I looked at my room and there's wall clock, I knew I need a clock.

Here am sharing one project taking from Linnaeus famous sunclock as an inspiration and made myself a sun clock!

Tuesday 16 June 2015

I Won A Challenge

It has been a seriously long time I ever send in my projects for challenges... So somewhere in May, I decided to submit one of my Pion's ATB project for I Am Roses Blog Challenge... And I won!!! Here is my winning entry... More details about this project can be viewed here... If you love to one of these ATBs, I've listed them in my Etsy store for sale...

Monday 18 May 2015

La Rosa Especial Artist Trading Blocks

Somewhere not too long ago I was busy pinteresting and found a lot of works using ATBs, aka Artist Trading Blocks... It's till recently when I got myself into Alpha Stamps DT I manage to get access to some of these blocks... 

As I excitedly received my first batch of blocks, as usual my excitement is far more than ideas, it took me quite a while to come up with something... As I was imaging French Ladies sewing meticulously in a room filled with roses, I decided to use Pion Design's Alma's Sewing Room paper collection and From Grandma's Attic French Ladies pictures for this... I came up with these shabby chic ATBs duo... Using monochrome colours with a touch of pink, I'm trying to catch one of an old French feel and get these done up as La Rosa Especial... 

These pictures actually don't do much of a justice as I had used quite a huge amount of Shimmerz products together with various Finnabair's mixed media range to give this vintage shabby French look... A lot of teeny weeny details such as the beauty of micro beads and glitter are not captured well, mainly due to the reflective nature of these products... However I'm listing them up for sale on my Etsy shop, and if by any chance you'd like to own them, feel free to get one home...   

This piece is available here...

This piece is available here...

List of supplies:
P.S. I'm entering this project for MAY IAR Challenge...

Monday 6 April 2015

A Sweet Pink Altered Wooden Peg

Have always wanted to alter a wooden peg but didn't have any idea what to do... While I was in a craft store, I saw this medium size wooden peg, just nice enough for me to alter as a start...  Wanted something sweet with a whimsical touch, I chose pink and off-white as my main colours... This is also one of my debut works for Pion Design... Love, love, love the Paris Flea Market series, the colours are so sweet...

I started off by adding some flourish texture around the peg, and began blending the colours using a range of Shimmerz products to give a shabby look... To give a further vintage look, I distressed the edges using some tarnished steel colour... I deliberately use this colour palette to match the colour scheme of Pion's Paris Flea Market...

A list of supplies used can be found at the end of this post... Remember to mention my name during PayPal checkout to get a free product of choice when you shop at Shimmerz store...

List of Supplies:
  • Pion Design Paris Flea Market
  • Shimmerz Products (Inklingz - Pink-a-Boo, Tarnished Treasure, Misty Morning, Creameez - Berry Hot, Marshmallow, Spritz - Cotton Candy, Vibez - Sweet Heart)
  • Prima Flowers & Vines
  • Graphic 45 Shabby Chic Ornate Keyhole

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Clear Scraps CHA Project Features

This year CHA seems to be a blast!!! Despite of my busy schedule last week, I only managed to catch a glimpse on what's happening via Facebook... Simply mind blowing on how amazing the products various manufacturers are coming up with... Seriously, I hope I could be there...

Well, a couple of my projects are there - mainly Graphic 45... Yeah!!! And I manage to see them via the publicity of my fellow design team members who took several pictures and posted them on Facebook... But not forgetting, I do send in my fair share of projects for Clear Scraps as well, showcasing around the booth...

Below here are 2 projects featuring the latest CHA releases; a mini mixable album and a wall decor using the clipboard and clear box... Total in love with the subtle colours of this paper collection, I used Pion's Vintage Garden for these projects... Also, used quite a number of I Am Roses mulberry flowers and laces from my stash... They just go so well together... Of course no forgetting some shabby chic resins and chipboards from Dusty Attic...