Showing posts with label Vintage Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vintage Garden. Show all posts

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Clear Scraps CHA Project Features

This year CHA seems to be a blast!!! Despite of my busy schedule last week, I only managed to catch a glimpse on what's happening via Facebook... Simply mind blowing on how amazing the products various manufacturers are coming up with... Seriously, I hope I could be there...

Well, a couple of my projects are there - mainly Graphic 45... Yeah!!! And I manage to see them via the publicity of my fellow design team members who took several pictures and posted them on Facebook... But not forgetting, I do send in my fair share of projects for Clear Scraps as well, showcasing around the booth...

Below here are 2 projects featuring the latest CHA releases; a mini mixable album and a wall decor using the clipboard and clear box... Total in love with the subtle colours of this paper collection, I used Pion's Vintage Garden for these projects... Also, used quite a number of I Am Roses mulberry flowers and laces from my stash... They just go so well together... Of course no forgetting some shabby chic resins and chipboards from Dusty Attic...