Showing posts with label Linnaeus Botanical Journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linnaeus Botanical Journal. Show all posts

Saturday 27 January 2018


So far, it's very likely this is the most simplest and shortest project ever completed in less than an hour, with limited tools and supplies on hand. I made this well wishing card for a lovely couple who is going to get married this March. 

Today is a day for the bride-to-be after weeks of planning. Together with a few sisters, we organized a bachelorette party for her. And part of the programme was to do up a page for the couple, which forms part of an album for her retention. Most of the supplies are from my stash, which I gladly contributed for this party. If it's not due to this event, I wouldn't have dug out my Pion Design papers. Oh! How much have I missed for the past months no knowing these treasures I've in my stash?!? Nonetheless, I managed to do up something without any creative plan in mind. And this is solely on random mode - unprepared, unplanned and just jump in and do it!

It was indeed intriguing and interesting to do up a project as such. Without much other crafting tools with me such as 3D foam dots, glossy accents, etc. (the only tool I've was my precision scissors!), this is purely putting my creative mojo to a test. It felt so much like a sudden quiz where only nutty professors will provide, though we probably have been warned before hand. Still, at the end of the day I did enjoy the process and crafting together with my other sisters (whom probably don't have not much crafting background) together which made such a gathering a rather unique one. 

I hereby wish Ernest and Stephanie a blissful marriage ahead... God bless!!!


Friday 23 October 2015

A Spring Summer Sun Clock

Alright I'm on altered clock again. When I received my latest Pion Design DT pack which contained Linnaeus Botanical Journal collection and design colour palette, I had a hard time thinking of a project I could do. As I looked at my room and there's wall clock, I knew I need a clock.

Here am sharing one project taking from Linnaeus famous sunclock as an inspiration and made myself a sun clock!