Showing posts with label Fairy Nimble. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fairy Nimble. Show all posts

Thursday 24 November 2016

A Harvest Gnome - Give Thanks

It's Thanksgiving today; day of harvest and giving thanks! For this year thanksgiving and just in time for today, I made this very last minute Thanksgiving project - A harvest gnome using wine cock.

Please do not underestimate this little gnome for he knows how to give thanks in every situation. Life might not be as wonderful as we seem to be. For this harvest season, just Give Thanks and life will be grateful...

As little as he looks like, he's just small enough for me to hold him with my hand. He's just a handful big. 

 A stump of his harvest. Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday 7 March 2016

A Fairy Nimble - The Poo Fairy

As such is life, besides quoting myself being so busy that I do not have enough time, my life has indeed been quite a turmoil especially for the past 2 years; mainly dealing with people around me. It's always the people who often make the situation(s) worse and difficult to handle, hardly the other way round. The occasionally negative side of me certainly brought me into various moments of despairs. While I don't deny the tough life I had been leading thus far, it had somehow made a rather nice side out of me though I didn't really talk about it most of the time.

Sometimes you wish you can simply let the steam off freely but when comes to facing people, often in a lot of situations you'll need to keep your cool and be clear-minded on the kind of people you are dealing with. Yes I've been facing a lot of nasty and unreasonable people and some can seriously send series of triggers just to turn on the anger button. Yet I'd have to stay in composure on the outside while not letting my anger shows. I believe we all have such moments. Talking about being real here, we are mere humans and we are all emotional beings. While we wish we have the true freedom to let our steam off as and when we like, by doing this once is still ok but doing this twice and thrice will immediately warrant us a ticket to the DerangedLand.

In view of my past 2 years of  turmoil life, I decided to create series of Fairy Nimble showcasing various fairies voicing out any sorts of unhappiness, quirkiness and curiosities; speaking of things humans would love to do and talk about yet it's somehow against the norm. We are always told to control our anger no matter how pissed we are but we are never taught how to release them effectively. 

The Poo Fairy is available for sale here.

Life is way too short to get angry, agitated, frustrated, and unhappy over people, even those who might be of concern. It sounds like a cliché. We probably hear it a lot, yet the irony is that we still want to vent our anger and/or frustrations out through some sort of ranting channel. 

When life gets tough, "fart" it off might be better. Staying constipated for too long is unhealthy. Oh well, The Poo Fairy doesn't literally means you can just fart your anger anyway you like, however do it subtly with class. A nimble food for thought.

Fairies are seriously honest creatures, aren't they? They probably speak the truth most of the time. 

Friday 1 January 2016

Holly Jolly Twenty-16

It's 2016!!! Seriously, why does time flies so fast? Does he really slow down? Alright, I believe everyone feels that way except for children. They are dying to grow up fast and wish time will fly fast, but definitely not for grown ups. I regretted making that wish when I was a child. Damn!

These pair of fairies are available for sale Here

So the little child in me and very much wanted to still stay in the Christmas mode, I made these 2 little fairies, namely Holly and Jolly. They had been receiving presents, and very much of them that they need a sleigh to ferry them. But the naughty Jolly ditched the presents aside and wanted to parade with the sleigh instead!!!

Winged up with ornate wings and dressed in little puffy skirts and white bloom millinery, they seriously look very angelic here. Oh well, it's still winter. Certainly the fur over their skirts do keep them warm. 

Oh look at how beautiful the ornate wings are!!! And how can I ever miss out glitters? They sparkle the wings so well!!! 

See how petite the are in my hand. Love 'em!!!! Off they go with their sleigh. They will be busy opening the presents when they reach home. 

Holly and Jolly hereby wish everyone a very Happy New Year and have a Holly Jolly Twenty-16!!!

Friday 24 April 2015

La Petite Haute Couture

Oh yes it's the annual La Petite Haute Couture Faerrari Show that's happening... The Queen of Whatcha-NaNa Land cordially invites everyone for a preview of her latest 1739 wings collection... Not long long time ago, the Queen received a few pairs of naked skeleton wings from the city of Basin, land of Victoria Aussilia... Looking good with a flare appeal, the Queen decided to gather the town best artisans to furbish up the wings... Meticulously hand painted and plated with dust and gold, all are transformed into pieces of grandeur wings... Presenting these wings as a form of specimen to the Queen and she was indeed very pleased...

While the fairies were awe with the newly crafted wings, installing them on their petite bodies aren't an easy job... Irony are these little fairies, they love huge wings to flaunt their petite frames... Such a vanity! And here they are all winged up in their pink poofy dresses hand stitched by the renown haute couture dressmaker, Mademoiselle Nettlerlilie... Those glamorous millinery are freshly made from the freshest blooms harvests in town, handcrafted by Princess Petablooms... Join me to welcome these little sweeties and I hope you have a wonderful evening...

Smooches from the fairies...


Tuesday 9 December 2014

Some Little Snowy Fairies Waltzing this Holiday

Alright scrapping peeps, for today on Graphic 45 blog post, I've this cute little ensemble of faires for you, really to waltz away for this Holiday!!!

Totally inspired from the Disney's movie Frozen, I made these snowy fairies out from clothespin pegs... Frozen is probably every child's favourite movie till date, so is my niece... She is a BIG fan of Frozen and she loves these fairies deeply. I've seen a lot of dolly peg projects and they are so adorable, part of it also came from my fellow Graphic 45 teammie, Nichola Battilana. Can't help it and wanted to make something cute!!!

The process in making them is somewhat challenging as I've to use papers for this assignment and it has to be handmade ornaments. I'd have to factor in whether this project can be translated into a tutorial... After giving some deep thoughts about it, I find creating rosettes skirts as one of the easier method... And it SOooo happen that Nutcracker Sweet has this lovely Snowflake Waltz paper that fits into the theme I want!!! As the scene of Elsa stomping her foot on the icy ground and a huge snowflake appeared as she sang "Let It Go" in Frozen came to my mind and that's where I get the inspiration in creating these snowflakes stands for these fairies. The stands are entirely made from those plastic saucers I've for my mixed media projects and classes.

SO here am I, presenting these little cuties to all of you!!! I hope you will enjoy this little performance by them. Follow HERE for the tutorial.

And Happy Holidays!!!