Today on Graphic 45 tutorial blog post, I'm sharing how to make these incredible fun Tomb Party gift set for this Halloween using An Eerie Tale and Steampunk Spells paper collection.
As I was browsing the Steampunk Spells papers, I came across these 4 intriguing Halloween characters-Miss Ima Fraid, Dr. Dreadful, Mr. Seymour Bones & Madame Macabre. I saw the potential to transform them into unique tomb-masters for a Halloween Party. The result is a gift set with matching invitation cards, where each guest is assigned a tombmaster based on their invitation. It's a fun and creative twist for your Halloween celebration.
Curious about where I got those crosses and skeleton hands? I handmade them using a glue gun and painted them according to my needs. I believe these are available for sale in your local craft store. But for a more personal touch, I decided to make them.
Download the tombstone template HERE and follow this tutorial on how to make these.
I hope this will give you some ideas for creating a theme for Halloween.
Happy crafting!!!