Showing posts with label Diorama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diorama. Show all posts

Friday 29 January 2016

Some Updates and Some Stuffs in my Store

I think it has been "x" number of times I've been "MIA-ing" for a while then came back with new projects and maybe some updates. Yes I'm pretty inactive since last July as I was constantly caught up with loads of life issues; mainly on the various major changes in both my life and family. 

Little do you know, I was actually going through a tough marriage and was (and still) in midst of separation and divorce since end of 2014. Plus my parents' health are not doing well in particularly for my dad who is at very high risk of getting a stroke. Over the last weekend, my dad was admitted to the hospital as he suddenly couldn't control his movement, collapsed and fell twice - on streets and at home. He was so distraught that he suddenly became a baby, cried in despair as he lost control of his bowel and wet his pants. After a series of MRI scan and labs tests, we got to know he was actually infected with Influenza A virus and the neurologist managed to discover a teeny weeny blood clot in one of his brain vessels. Though the clot is not life threatening enough to cause any physical stroke symptoms, his doctor got him started on aspirin. He was infected with the flu bug and why was he so weak that led him to lost control of himself is something doctors unable to explain to us.

Well, my dad is on cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar control medication. This really speaks how unhealthy my dad is. He is on so many medications that I think it's a little overkill. As I look into the various medications he's taking (very seriously for the very first time), I got to realize the various side effects of these drugs he is taking. One of them in particular (though rarely reported) has an effect on skeletal muscle tissues which the drug will break down the muscles tissues. Perhaps it's the constellation of various medications he has been taking plus the attack of flu bug made him so vulnerable. Though I'm not a trained doctor, I feel strongly that such drugs should be prescribed with care. There has been a huge misconception that patients can totally rely on medications without realizing that these are drugs, and drugs have side effects. They are not elixir or some sort of wonder drugs that can prolong a person's lifespan, unless you are in a condition that you need to be then that's a total different story. A lot of effort has to be made on the patients' side (often on diet and regular exercising) to ensure they are not fully dependent on drugs but using them to assist their current health condition. This is something a lot of us have been taking for granted, unfortunately.

Life wasn't that fantastic for me for year 2015 and the beginning of this year but despite all hurdles I managed to overcome them, one by one. Though it seems that the path ahead is tough, there's always a bright side that I can always look forward to such as creating more exciting projects and be able to share with all of you. 

Oh well, I know this has been a long wait and finally I manage to get it done and make it available. I know some of you are really looking forward for this and I hope this don't come in too late. My STACK SUITCASES tutorial is FINALLY available at my Etsy store! Phew! After a year plus?!?Alright I know it has been quite a long wait. But trust me, I'm probably someone who is able to provide  tutorials with such clarity together with loads of illustrations and photos. 

Tutorial Sample Pages

I don't take short cuts and will make an effort, put my very best to illiterate every step as clear as possible.  For those who had purchased my Suitcase Treasures PDF tutorial, you get to notice a lot of illustrations are digitally drawn by me so that you know exactly what to measure, which paper to use and what to cut. A lot of effort put in and this explains why I charge my tutorials a little more expensive than most others. 

If you love building things, my tutorials are for you. Head over to my store HERE to get a copy. I shall talk to you soon. Have a great day ahead and happy crafting! Cheers!!!

Thursday 26 November 2015

A Fairy Loo Shed

Today is Thanksgiving!!! Wishing all my American and Canadian friends the merriest Turkey Day!!! Oh well, I wish I could celebrate thanksgiving here in Singapore so that I could eat turkey 'cos I've never eaten one before. It's not a common poultry here, neither is thanksgiving an official holiday. Besides turkey, there're far more things we can be thankful for... 

And... For me, for the very least I'm thankful for having a toilet... 

Yes it's the loo I'm thankful for!!! I'm glad to be able to have at least a toilet to use at home for my convenience. There’s actually a lot people defecating in the open. November 19th (which was last week) is World Toilet Day, a day marked to let us know that billions of people in the world do not have access to proper sanitation including toilets or latrines. I had been to rural Vietnam before and seriously the villagers don't have proper toilets and they just pee and poo in the open. Owning a toilet there is consider a luxury. 

So here is a little thought from the poo fairy for mankind, using natural elements she could find in the wilderness and built a toilet bowl in a shed!

 And the fairy left a golden poo!!!

Admit One ONLY! No threesome! No hanky panky!

~Enjoy the little things~

List of Supplies:

Thursday 19 November 2015

An Eerie (Fairy) Tale Shop

Yes I know Halloween is over! But it doesn't mean dark stuffs only can be made during Halloween! You’ve probably known a lot about Fairy Tales via Walt Disney since young. All those princes and princess stories, princes falling in love with a beautiful commoner, etc. etc. etc. and the endings are always happily ever after. So sweet! Makes you wanna fall in love. Who doesn't want to marry a handsome prince or beautiful princess? Thou shalt not deny. Somehow everyone has such thoughts at least once. Harmless to fantasize, and it does feels good to have a little taste of sweetness. When you picture your ideal prince/princess with a face of your favourite actor/actress, it will just bring the sweetness to another level and before you know it, you are already submerged in a pool of dopamine.

Alright, POP! Bubble burst! Back to reality. Though Walt Disney has shown us the very sweet and beautiful side of fairy tales, they seems to be somehow originally intended for adults. I always have an interest to understand how tales and folklore came about and how they eventually get passed down to become the versions we all hear today. So there’s actually some dark side to it, and some parts are pretty gruesome which Walt Disney had sanctioned them to cater for children. I shalt not talk about them, but here is article which speaks the truth. ~For your reading pleasure~

So, here is a masterpiece of various Fairy Tales elements that consist of some dark sides which you probably didn’t really know. And certainly, Graphic 45 An Eerie Tale paper collection fits in this project perfectly. Beware as you enter, there's always Once Upon a Time. Before we enter, we shall have a peep through from the outside...

A peep through via the window. Notice a fairy tale book, some pumpkins, Cinderella's bucket and broom, some hair locks, and a bottle of Rapunzel's tears. Besides stood a tree..

Route round the tree, there's more pumpkins with some of the juices flowing!! Does the pumpkin carriage made from these pumpkins? And a Raven sitting on the tree...

Enter and looking up from the tower, there lay Rapunzal's locks running all the way down to the ground  where Snow White's coffin and the Evil Queen's apple can be found. Of course, the spindle that pierced Princess Aurora's finger. 

Supposedly golden eggs? Has someone turned them into robin eggs?

Magical top view and as the sign plate stated within, it's An Eerie Tale Shop!!!

There's so much to look at and pictures just don't do much justice. Thanks so much for reading and I hope this entry is entertaining enough. Final note... Please don't curse me for ruining your childhood, and don't go around scaring kids away.

List of Supplies:

Friday 6 November 2015

World's Fair Picture Perfect Peek-a-Boo Photo Booth

Alright I know I've been missing some posts. And I swear I'm starting to get myself on track. Procrastination kills and I don't deny I'm somewhat very susceptible to this kind of curse at times. Well, I guess this could be the worst curse ever on earth every human being will ever experience. It makes people dysfunctional at best.

So for today, I'm showcasing one of my projects I've done for Graphic 45 using their gorgeous World's Fair collection. This carnival series look so much fun in it! And I absolutely adore hot-air balloons!!! Looks like I can easily get fascinated over almost everything. 

Thinking about taking photos in a carnival fair? Here is this little booth at the World’s Fair where you can create/recreate yourself uniquely using the various photo props available. Only in this booth and nowhere else. Be inspired and fearless, create without fear...

Saturday 24 October 2015

Eastern Estate Fairy Tea Booth No.5

For those who are fans of The Archies Show, you probably have heard this song Sugar, Sugar. Even I wasn't born in the 50s/60s, I knew about The Archies and had own a couple of Archies comics when young. Err... Is this a boy thing? Well, I stopped playing with dolls after watching Child's Play.

Ever thought how a fairy version of The Archies would look like? I took this inspiration boldly and brought my creative brain cells to another level. It was a seriously random, chaos and out of the space kind of process before I could piece things up together. Instead of a kissing booth, I did this little fairy tea booth for something you could relate to The Archies' Riverdale Carnival. The difference between them is just a few era away, happening in Eastern Estate not Riverdale High School. Just imagine them jamming in with wings and having tea.

Here I present the Eastern State Fairy Tea Booth No. 5!!! A very warm Welcome to this season's Tea Carnival!!!

This piece is available for sale HERE...

This tea booth is one of a kind, being No. 5 for what you could imagine; the Archies band has 5 members. A floral arch over the teapot with wings certainly tells you something ethereal is going on with this booth. And yes, this booth is nothing but only minute of everything...

Hmm... Someone has left a teacup here, within the roses below the floral arch...

Tea Booth No. 5 will only stop by here for this Carnival season as you could see there's wheels beneath, i.e. this booth moves like a cart! I hope it could fly, unfortunately due to the natural nature construction of this booth, it has to be down to earth. Staying grounded is always good. 

Well well well, all tea glitters, sugar, honey, teaware and dolly mat are sold at teaspoonful each - no more no less. A wide variety of tea glitters are available in this little red catalog. For the rich pollen bed is overly tempting, before you could browse through the catalog you would need to wear the pair of red gloves. Should any steals happen, any spots of pollen would be easily spotted.

Free tea session happens at 5 and 2/3 in the evening. Several range of sizzling glittering teas would be served on these shimmering teacups mats. Be sure to drop by before the booth is gone for good. Sugar, Honey, Tea or Me?

Here is a link that contains most of the items used for this project, whereas below is a breakdown list on what I used.

Supplies List:

Sunday 13 September 2015

A Lovely Romantic Death

Allow me to present something a little off, perhaps quite dark to some. My youngest sister has been swearing on the kind of work I've been doing up lately just because she suddenly finds me too morbid and depressing. Haha... As I promised that I'm still in my most right sense of mind, I'm just trying to bring some sweetness out from the very dark - a lovely death...

I was on the papers one fine afternoon, a wedding picture featuring a couple using coffin as part of their wedding photography concept caught my attention. They are undertakers by profession. But hell, I love this very cool idea despite of it's morbidity! With my admiration of Tim Burton's melancholic fantasies, I started to have this wild idea of doing up a skeleton wedding couple. 

This piece is available for sale HERE...

Who doesn't want to die romantically with your loved one? I bet most of us want that. Till Death Do Us Part. To be able to be embraced as such till point of death is seriously the most romantic thing to do, even we ended up as pack of bones. But how many of us are actually blessed like this? I wish and am always fantasying in my lala-land...

A pledge of love, stands firmly above. Coffins are not that bad. While it's only natural for most homo sapiens to take it negatively, I just want to dismiss this morbid notion by injecting love. Not trying to encourage death and lead a tragic love life like Romeo and Juliet, but to show the other side of how love can withstand death. 

A coffin bed with a bed of roses. Life is not always a bed of roses, but it's definitely beautiful the way it is. The real essence of true love is always evident when both is able to go through thick and thin together on all circumstances. That's definitely the most beautiful thing of all.

Supplies List