Showing posts with label Mon Amour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mon Amour. Show all posts

Saturday 7 May 2016

Mother's Day Inspire Tag

Mother's Day is just round the corner and it's happening this Sunday 8th May which is tomorrow! As I was thinking about it. We've reached May! That's seriously fast!!! I can't believe that we are almost reaching the middle of 2016!! Can't help it but time really flies too fast especially the older I get, I can feel my time is reaching the end pretty soon.

Oh well, in order to honour this Mother's Day, I made this simple tag using Graphic 45's Children Hour and Mon Amour paper collection on their latest Inspire ivory tag staple. Mothers are sources of inspirations, somehow or rather regardless how good or bad they are. At some point of our lives, I believe they do inspire us.

While my mum is not a perfect mother, she does inspire me somehow especially during some bad times we had together. Those are the times I resent, I hate, and even wish she's not my mother. As I grew up from a child to a teenager and gradually as a adult, things have changed drastically so as the era we are living in as well; time has indeed made the most changes. Between us, we do have very different views, values and opinions which made us highly incompatible most of the times. Yet the most irony part is we are mother and daughter biologically. There's hardly any character traits I take after my mum. Surprisingly, we managed to co-exist with one another for the past 30 over years. Amazing! Perhaps that's the unique bond between mothers and children.  

Here is one of my childhood pic with my mum, I was only 2 at that point of time. Well, we did hang out together and it was during the Christmas season when we took this picture. So we did celebrate Christmas at one point of time during our lives together!

I hereby wish all mothers a Happy Mother's Day!!!

Sunday 14 February 2016

Happy V Day!!!

First of all, Happy Valentine's Day! It's a day to celebrate love but I'd want to think that love celebration shouldn't be restricted to just a day. If you truly love a person, your love with him/her should be celebrated every day.

So for a very last minute project, I'm sharing this small little altered envelop using the pocket envelope die by Tim Holtz and Graphic 45 Mon Amour paper collection

Pretty much a small little project but since I'm casting out some paper clay frames from my silicon mould, I just wanna do something up. Added a small little love quote by John Keats at the bottom. It's really small but it's handy enough, a relatively good size as a small little gift.

I hope today has been a great day for lovers. And I wish you all couples of the world a wonderful V-Day!!!

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Sending Love via Flying Suitcases

The idea of "sending you some love" came to my mind one day that evoked me to think of adding wings to suitcases. Again, I was getting obsess with suitcases but this time round with a little whimsical fantasy thought.

As a sequel on my mini matchbox suitcases tutorial; I'm showing a start to finish video in how to add wings onto these cute little matchbox suitcases for this Valentine's, notably using the matchbox from Tim Holtz's matchbox L die. With a pair of wings, it makes sending some love a much easier process.

To send some love, I added some miniature love sentiments within; such as a miniature bouquet of red roses, a vintage necklace, a bottle of love seeds (aka saga seeds as symbol of love) and a mini wooden heart peg. Those little word sentiments in front of the suitcases actually came from the 6" x 6" patterns and solids which there're a lot of phrasings you can use as your love message. Feel free to add any of your favourite love sentiments within and let these flying suitcases send your love to your loved one. One idea for those who are proposing - you might want to pop a ring within.

List of Supplies:

Sunday 13 September 2015

A Lovely Romantic Death

Allow me to present something a little off, perhaps quite dark to some. My youngest sister has been swearing on the kind of work I've been doing up lately just because she suddenly finds me too morbid and depressing. Haha... As I promised that I'm still in my most right sense of mind, I'm just trying to bring some sweetness out from the very dark - a lovely death...

I was on the papers one fine afternoon, a wedding picture featuring a couple using coffin as part of their wedding photography concept caught my attention. They are undertakers by profession. But hell, I love this very cool idea despite of it's morbidity! With my admiration of Tim Burton's melancholic fantasies, I started to have this wild idea of doing up a skeleton wedding couple. 

This piece is available for sale HERE...

Who doesn't want to die romantically with your loved one? I bet most of us want that. Till Death Do Us Part. To be able to be embraced as such till point of death is seriously the most romantic thing to do, even we ended up as pack of bones. But how many of us are actually blessed like this? I wish and am always fantasying in my lala-land...

A pledge of love, stands firmly above. Coffins are not that bad. While it's only natural for most homo sapiens to take it negatively, I just want to dismiss this morbid notion by injecting love. Not trying to encourage death and lead a tragic love life like Romeo and Juliet, but to show the other side of how love can withstand death. 

A coffin bed with a bed of roses. Life is not always a bed of roses, but it's definitely beautiful the way it is. The real essence of true love is always evident when both is able to go through thick and thin together on all circumstances. That's definitely the most beautiful thing of all.

Supplies List