Showing posts with label Nature Sketchbook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature Sketchbook. Show all posts

Sunday 8 April 2018

Graphic 45 2018 Brand Ambassador Audition

The moment is finally here... Despite of my rather tight schedule recently, I managed to get this posted in time hoping I'll get a chance to be considered to be part of Graphic 45 again. Missing all the fun I had previously, it was a good rest in between and I'd want to take this opportunity to come back and provide more creative inspirations. Heading straight ahead, here are the projects I created for this audition.

Project One: Cafe Parisian Candies Paper Jar (step-by-step tutorial)
Earth day is approaching (22nd April) and I think it'd be good to do up some upcycling project and transform them into daily useful items. Besides being a "junk collector", I do keep quite a number of disposable items which I find them as potential upcycling objects. And those jumbo toilet rolls are one of them which I kept many of them. For they are sturdy and hard enough, they provide very good bases for jar making. 

Notice a little butterfly among the flowers?

May it for your pantry storage or even as a gift, it doesn't cost that much to do up one. Trust me, it's not going to be that difficult. You just need to be a little patient while working on it. I decided to do up a step-by-step tutorial which is more clear than video tutorials.

Supplies List:

Project Two: Nature Sketchbook Merci Beaucoup Butterfly Duo Cards
The very next project I created are these duo thank you cards for a lovely couple who is coming to Singapore from the USA this week. Using the Nature Sketchbook paper collection, I made these dimensional cards using a pair of butterflies denoting the loveliness of the couple onto the contrasting patterns of the papers.

Supplies List:
I hope these have been a good source of inspiration and pleasing to the judging panel for this audition. I also wish all participants the very best for this year audition as well.

Cheers!!! And keep on creating to inspire!!! I shall see you all very soon again for subsequent creations and tutorials...

Friday 9 February 2018

Create, Love and Dream ATCs

Been a little late for updates for this month as I was quite busy lately with several activities for the past weekends. Trying to strike a balance and has been making an effort to plan my time well. There are a lot of things happening around me and I'm very glad to share they are good things. It'd also mean I'll busier for a very different set of reasons, as well as transiting into a new phase in life. More challenges ahead I should say and I may face some adaptation stress which might not be a bad thing. Rather, it'd mean I need to be more disciplined and have to constantly keep my emotions under control. Nonetheless, it's still something positive to look forward to and I'm super excited about it! 😂 

Moving on, sharing here my latest project today in relation to my recent YouTube channel trailer. Decided to do up these ATCs to portray the message I've been wanting to bring across and what it really means by "Creating the Dream". It has been an amazing creative journey so far. And I've witnessed the creative progress in me during these past 4-5 years, which has moulded me into a better thinker and person; an experience that I never acquired during my past working life. 

Create, Love and Dream are terms that I always want to use them as frequent as I could to remind myself why I'm into this journey. Regardless of what kind of art or creatives you are in, the desire to love the work you do and continue loving it makes the dream possible. Hence, creating is more than just a journey itself. Loving it makes the journey more complete and fulfilling. It's also my greatest pleasure to invite everyone to join me on this journey together, not solely to share my works but also to encourage and inspire as much as I could. Likewise, I'd also love to be encouraged and inspired as well and that's the whole purpose of wanting to do this.

I had bought this Tim Holtz ATC mover and shapers die many years ago thinking it might be useful in the future. Very unfortunately, this die has already been retired and is hardly available online. It took me this long to finally get to use this for this project. Well, it's always better to use them now than never. A great amount of supplies I used are actually within my existing stash that I've kept for very long especially those ornate frames chippies, mulberry leaves etc. I'm aiming to have a nature feel hence I added quite a number of "leaves", "straws", "stones" and "foliage" to make it as if you are entering into a tropical rain forest. I hope I've gotten the feel correctly. Notice there's also some dew on the leaves as well?

As much as I could, whenever time permits, I'll try my best to do up a tutorial. And here is my first tutorial for this month of February. I hope this will provide some interesting ideas and inspirations. An extensive list of supplies I used for this project can be found at the bottom of this entry. 

List of supplies used for this project: