Showing posts with label Blue Fern Studios. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Fern Studios. Show all posts

Friday 9 February 2018

Create, Love and Dream ATCs

Been a little late for updates for this month as I was quite busy lately with several activities for the past weekends. Trying to strike a balance and has been making an effort to plan my time well. There are a lot of things happening around me and I'm very glad to share they are good things. It'd also mean I'll busier for a very different set of reasons, as well as transiting into a new phase in life. More challenges ahead I should say and I may face some adaptation stress which might not be a bad thing. Rather, it'd mean I need to be more disciplined and have to constantly keep my emotions under control. Nonetheless, it's still something positive to look forward to and I'm super excited about it! 😂 

Moving on, sharing here my latest project today in relation to my recent YouTube channel trailer. Decided to do up these ATCs to portray the message I've been wanting to bring across and what it really means by "Creating the Dream". It has been an amazing creative journey so far. And I've witnessed the creative progress in me during these past 4-5 years, which has moulded me into a better thinker and person; an experience that I never acquired during my past working life. 

Create, Love and Dream are terms that I always want to use them as frequent as I could to remind myself why I'm into this journey. Regardless of what kind of art or creatives you are in, the desire to love the work you do and continue loving it makes the dream possible. Hence, creating is more than just a journey itself. Loving it makes the journey more complete and fulfilling. It's also my greatest pleasure to invite everyone to join me on this journey together, not solely to share my works but also to encourage and inspire as much as I could. Likewise, I'd also love to be encouraged and inspired as well and that's the whole purpose of wanting to do this.

I had bought this Tim Holtz ATC mover and shapers die many years ago thinking it might be useful in the future. Very unfortunately, this die has already been retired and is hardly available online. It took me this long to finally get to use this for this project. Well, it's always better to use them now than never. A great amount of supplies I used are actually within my existing stash that I've kept for very long especially those ornate frames chippies, mulberry leaves etc. I'm aiming to have a nature feel hence I added quite a number of "leaves", "straws", "stones" and "foliage" to make it as if you are entering into a tropical rain forest. I hope I've gotten the feel correctly. Notice there's also some dew on the leaves as well?

As much as I could, whenever time permits, I'll try my best to do up a tutorial. And here is my first tutorial for this month of February. I hope this will provide some interesting ideas and inspirations. An extensive list of supplies I used for this project can be found at the bottom of this entry. 

List of supplies used for this project:

Friday 17 November 2017

A Special Box of Memorabilia

First of all, for people who has been faithfully following my various entries in my blog even till this point of time... Thank You, sincerely from the bottom of my heart. I know it has been a long long time ago I last posted on my blog. I'm terrible sorry and equally guilty for unable to update as soon as I could. Nonetheless, I've finally made a serious effort to come back despite all my procrastination and those busy hours.

Before I start introducing my latest project (not exactly new because this was completed on late July. Oops!!!), I'd like to share a small fraction of my current life story that forms part of this project. There has been turmoils in my life that I'd have to put my various crafting projects and teaching plan on hold. Such a halt actually ended up close to a 2 years hiatus. Seems long, yet I felt as if I had been living for almost a century. Indeed, a lot of things happened, with some still feel like a never-ending event. Not to dwell into the details of the issues I'm facing, perhaps going straight to what led me to do up this project will be more meaningful.

A couple of you have probably read some of my life events that I had recorded down in my past entries. To begin as an introduction (to most whom don't really know), I was a "Christian" for the past 13 years and seriously, I thought I was really one though not a very pious one. As life wasn't very promising for me during those period of difficulties, I decided to renew my faith with Christ. The journey begun somewhere between last Winter and beginning of this Summer, I found myself starting to develop an immersing interest towards the Bible, on how historical facts and evidences coincides so well with the Bible. And since then I embarked into a remarkable journey in Searching for the Truth that led me to know the One True God and become a Christian legitimately. 

Currently, I'm serving and worshiping the LORD at my local Church of Christ and got to know this amazing sister-in-Christ Baby Tan who is one of the earlier Christians who planted the seeds in Singapore. Without her, my local congregation would not have started. It was my greatest honour and pleasure to be invited to do up a memorabilia for her as a special gift on her 90th Birthday this July. Without much of me saying further, here is the finished project... 

It's a big 12" x 12" box, which I altered it using the shadow box from Graphic 45. Because I want to make it last, I tore down the outer structure of the box and rebuilt it using some muslin fabric to reinforce the edges before layering some Melange tissue paper from Tim Holtz. The entire deconstruction and reconstruction took me a day to process before any mixed media and decorative work could be done.

I learned from various members within the Church that sis Baby Tan loves purple, flowers and butterflies. And this really narrows down to the colour choice and theme for this project. Without much thinking, immediately I know which paper collection to reach out to - Sweet Sentiments and Botanical Tea from Graphic 45. 

I deliberately chose one of her younger days photos and created a vintage layout for her at the front of the box. As I had done up a notable amount of stenciling, stamping and painting work on the entire box, I tried not to over-embellished the layout and kept it really simple with her picture as the main focal point. 

At the back of the box, I further embellished it using this "inspiration" wordlet from ScrapFX over an ornate flourish frame I found in my stash which I had bought it many years back. This is probably one of my favourite portions of this project.

This is where all the treasures are, all kept safely inside the box. As you pull the drawer, you will be greeted with 2 albums and a scroll.

At the base of the drawer inside, I covered the entire surface with this very sweet floral paper from Graphic 45 Sweet Sentiment paper collection. And I fussy cut the main thematic "Sweet Sentiments" scroll image out and placed it at the center which blend in quite well with the entire theme and purpose for this project.

These are the two albums I did; one hand-stitched photo album and one tag album with all the hand-written messages. 

I had handwritten some Bible verses and had use a couple of them throughout the albums' covers. Some were nicely contributed by our preachers in our Church. 

The scroll is actually a written biography of sis Baby by our late brother-in-Christ Ira Rice. I was reading it for several times on the night I was formatting the font and text after extracting this article out from a book. Her story really inspires me greatly and certainly put me to awe. She's one seriously petite godly woman who truly belongs to the LORD.

And so that's me presenting this special box of memorabilia to sis Baby during her 90th Birthday celebration on 30th July this year in the Church building.

We managed to take a short video of this project, filmed by Rachel Poo (our fellow sister-in-Christ) and here is the orientation video.

List of Supplies used for this project: