Showing posts with label Diorama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diorama. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Dr. Drake's Lab Oratory

During my entire collage years, while struggling hard to complete my Bachelor of Science, I was once very fascinated on the various colourful chemical reactions in the Chemistry Lab. One ultra boring subject - Inorganic Chemistry was one of my most hated modules. Yet making crystals and forming beautiful chemical reactions were one of my most look-forward Lab sessions. That was the only "colourful" hands-ons I could ever get throughout my entire Biomedical course. Haha! I just couldn't get enough of such hands-ons, just for the sake of viewing colourful chemical reactions. I think I can literally burn the whole Lab down if I wanna go crazy. My Prof would probably bar me from the Lab and fail me!

After I graduated and started to work in R&D, I never became a Chemist and was working on boring colourless, tasteless biological stuffs. Proteins, Bacteria and Viruses became my most best friends and they stinks! You bet on the kind of food e.coli eat, they smell and vomit proteins. Mind you, some of the drugs you are probably taking are spilled by these creatures. Oops! Not meant to freak you out, but some of them are just too good in making such stuffs and Scientists love them deeply. And could you imagine, I was making them vomiting proteins almost every week! 

This piece is available for sale HERE...

Alright I digress... So out of inspiration with my little Chemistry knowledge, I decided to build an interesting Lab Oratory owned by this freakish Professor, Dr. Drake for Graphic 45, Alpha Stamps and ScrapFX. It's a little Lab Chapel where he concocted all of his finest herbal and insects poisons. Beware as you enter his Lab and don’t get too freaked out by the huge Exhibit A entrance! He has most of the deadliest delights, charms, potions, herbs and notions you could ever think of. 

As you tour around his Lab, you will be amazed by this gigantic Sands of Time in his movable herb garden. Flip to see how those minute orange sand falls to time; a therapeutic way to keep your mind off. Beware! Evil hypnosis will take place when you stare of it too much. Before you could realize it, your brain will be hijacked!

Indeed a little freakish Lab Chapel! The Exhibit A speaks it all! Who would place such a display to freak people out? You bet, that's Dr. Drake...

Supplies List

Thursday 6 August 2015

Melancholic Lamentations - A Salvaged Love Bride

Not very long time ago in a far away City, there was once upon a Bride whom had a heavy heart filled with enormous amount of salvaged love; yearning for her Man's love and desire. For her Man had promised to love her till eternity at their wedding night, she patiently awaited for his return...

As she sat by near the window each night, glaring out towards the deep dark sky, the moon was her only everlasting light. Each night passed by, she felt solemn and sorrowed. Yet her love for her Man was so great that she could only salvage in despair. Her Man, had yet to return... 

The glaze of her eyes filled with hope and desires. Her heart, felt burdened and heavy; as if it weighed a few tonnes worth of Silver. Though she felt warm at heart as she waited for the love she had for her Man was so generous, her heart was tearing. Drop by drop, she salvaged...  

She lamented in despair on each drop of love she salvaged. She felt pain; a pain so immensely deep that she could feel pricks of sharps piercing through her heart. Her Man never returns...

"Oh! How long more I would have to wait? For my love has left no more to salvage yet I yearn and desire for your everlasting love..." She withered as nights went past. And goodbye... My love...

As such is life, the Bride died with a grieved heart filled with pain and sorrows in her wedding dress, unable to wait for her Man to return... 

About the Project
The inspiration behind this project is based on an actual real life account - about a wife endlessly trust and await for her husband to return home every night. There's a little social context behind, mainly on the constant vicious cycle in an emotional abuse family. While physical violence in domestic abuse is more evident, the psychological impact and damage for emotional abuse is often more severe and harder to be seen by the outside world. The whole essence of this entire project gears towards an overview inner emotions of a lamenting Bride; a confusional contrary mixed feelings of love, pain and sorrow.

The Scene
A Salvaged Love Bride in this scene was set in a more melancholic setting, denoting the constant love-pain relationship the victim faced living with an emotional abuser. It's more towards a way to "recycle" her love, trapped within a small cubicle unable to leave. Yet on the contrary, her love for her Man was so salvaged that she always trusted and truly believed he would return one day to fulfill the love and desires she yearns for.

Elements within the Scene
A mixture of heart gears and metal embellishments were used for the flaming heart to create some form of salvaging mechanics, just for the sole function of "recycling" the love drops. The Bride's bunch of flowers consists of 9 roses; a meaning of Eternal Love denoting her Man's promise to love her for eternity. Those 2 suitcases represent the separate livelihoods of the Bride and her Man. Though stacked together as "one" union life in a marriage, the actual life between the Bride and her Man is often distinct and one-sided. In order to create a more contrary melancholic mood, various small details such as a solemn black umbrella, a Jane Austin's Pride & Prejudice novel and a stack of newspapers with the perish of the Titanic are added.

List of Supplies:

Saturday 27 June 2015

The Mermaid Museum

For this month Alpha Stamp's kit is all about Mermaids... And I'd think most of us have probably watched Walt Disney's The Little Mermaid movie but how many of us actually read the story of The Little Mermaid written by Hans Christian Andersen?? While everyone of us familiarly referred the little mermaid as the red-haired Ariel and her happily ever after ending with the Prince in the movie, the actual fate of the mermaid's life in Hans' story was her ascension into the air where she dissolved and became foam...

For over 300 years since the day The Mermaid's ascension, historians and archaeologists are very curious about her afterlife... Although the marine and human life of the mermaid are pretty well studied by the experts, the aftermath after she became foam and varnished into thin air are poorly understood... For she had forsaken her lovely mesmerizing tail for a pair of human legs in order to live as a human, we thought the tail had indeed vanished... It was till very recently, a group of archaeologists discovered her tail, foam ashes and various marine and human artifacts at the Northern celestial pole of The Meridian, providing an insight story of The Mermaid's life; a series of mysteries therefore gradually unfolds...

This entire museum is available for sale HERE... 

It seriously took that much amount of effort, with so much special tools, chemicals and techniques to sort, restore and preserve the mermaid tail, her foam ashes and other discoveries which ultimately exhausted an enormous amount of energies and years... As much as we think we know this much about the marine and human life of The Mermaid, much of the discoveries reveal much more details than we ever thought of... With all the accomplished effort by the experts, The Mermaid Museum is finally fully erected, available for public viewing for the very first time in history...

Walk into the aftermath story of The Mermaid's life and experience the journey like you've never been before, for she has forsaken her tail for a pair of human legs in exchange for a human life... It's also for the first time, a treasury chest of her various belongings as a human are revealed...

Click here to get your entrance ticket to the museum...

The Mermaid's Marine Palace...

Painting of The Mermaid and her sisters...

The Forsaken Tail...

The Mermaid's Foam Ashes...

The Mermaid's treasury chest of artifacts from her human life...

The Mermaid's human artifacts...

List of Supplies:

Saturday 23 May 2015

Venetian Masquerade Carnival Curio Shoppe

One fine sunny day as I was trying to screw and boggle my creative brain cells, I was struggling to think of something imaginative yet whimsical enough to tell a story. When the release of what's happening for this month Alpha Stamp's kit, a moment of doing up a Venetian theme diorama struck my mind. Hah! And I managed to hunt down one mask in one of the local thrift stores. The moment I'm back home, I started spending hours researching and watching videos on how Venetian masks are made by various artisans across Italy till the extend I seriously want to learn how to make one, forgetting I need to do up a project not a mask. I almost went nuts over this.

Nonetheless in the midst of this creative chaos, I managed to pull myself back and start creating. Using billions of Alpha Stamps supplies, I transformed the mask I bought and a wooden box into one Venetian shoppe. Presenting here is my very own imaginative Venetian Masquerade Carnival Curio Shoppe owned by this man known as "The Man who Knows" for this week's Alpha Stamps newsletter project highlight.

Shop close...

This Man has a pretty much unique curio shop (I should say) because he has this gigantic Venetian mask mounted on top of his shop. As you enter his shop, your soles will be welcomed by the velvety touch of this exquisite polish Persian Regal carpet. I'd have to warn you to enter the shop bare-footed as you cannot afford to dirty his expensive carpet. What houses inside his shop are various curio items ranging from a variety of carnival masks, buttons & badges, clockswatches, jokers posters, 4 of a kind, a Hurricane lamp, a Magician top hat to even a Holy Bible... Along with this shop, he has a trunk of various clown masks, props and shoes. What he'd always bring along with him is his little black suitcase containing various Magician wands that you wouldn't want to miss getting one. And interestingly, he loves riding his penny-farthing bike around and tend to keep it in his suitcase.

Ever wonder how did The Man place such a huge mask and keep it in place on top of his shop? Well, he used his 2 stinky rich elephants to hold the mask, for such elephants are stinky enough to hold the mask upright due to their rich gold plated bodies. Indeed their trunks are equally useful enough to hold the brass chain, allowing The Man to close his shop with ease. They are plain stinky rich, so why not fully utilize them? That's what The Man thinks.

I hope you have enjoy the little story behind this curio shoppe. Tutorials in how to create miniature Magician wands and the black little suitcase are at the end of this entry together with a list of supplies.

Have a great day ahead and happy curio shopping.

Shop opens.

This diorama is available HERE.

One stinky rich elephant at work.

A bird eye view...

Another bird eye view.

Curio items for sale.

Blinks and drapery...

The Man with his trunk and little black suitcase.

The penny-farthing bike he rides...

Tutorials in creating miniature Magician wands and altering a blank matchbox into a little black suitcase

Step 1: Gesso the entire matchbox including the inside with black gesso. You can use black chalk paint or those cheap black acrylic paint if you do not have any black gesso.

Step 2: Paint a layer of pale gold acrylic paint (Daler Rowney no.708) on the matchbox. This will gives an old gold colour.

Step 3: Use some black ink, brush a few strokes onto the gold painted surfaces and blend evenly with a brush. You can use black calligraphy/pigment ink. I'm using Clearsnap Smooch pearlized accent ink in Tuxedo here for an extra shine. 

Step 4: After blending, this is how it will look like. You will still be able to see some gold beneath, however in general the suitcase is in black with a little magical shine. 

Step 5: On a piece of black cardstock, cut 2 strips of ~1/8" in width and paint a thin layer of pale gold acrylic paint over. These will be straps and handle for the suitcase.

Step 6: In order to strengthen the matchbox drawer, line the inside of the drawer with black cardstock.

Step 7: Use the strips prepared from Step 5 above to build the straps and handle for the suitcase. And you are done making yourself a black little suitcase! 

A more detail step-by-step tutorial in how to create matchbox suitcases using papers can be found on one of my Snapguide tutorials here...

Supplies List: