Showing posts with label Miniatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miniatures. Show all posts

Wednesday 17 December 2014

A Snowman's Baggage & Christmas Suitcase

Recalled those cute little matchbox suitcases I've made as part of my Graphic 45 stacked suitcases project? Hmm... So I decided to whoop up something interesting, something cute... 

Over the last weekend, my niece deliberately locked up the door from my parents' room with my dad inside... I was wondering why was she doing that?!? Then moments later, she knocked on the door and started singing, "Do you wanna build a snowman??" Hahahahahaha... She was imitating Anna!!! OMG!!! This was super cute of her given the fact that she was taking her grandpa as Elsa... All thanks to her, she really made my day... And I decided to do up a snowman kit for my niece as her birthday gift which is today!!! Again, inspired from Frozen and contributed by my niece... She was super excited when I showed her what I've made for her over FaceTime... Her expression was timeless...

Building up this little snowman kit is seriously not an easy job and it took me quite some time to figure out how to make this kit in a matchbox... Everything was built from scratch using polymer clay, wires and lots of glitter to build this Mr. Frosty... This little snowman stands at ~2" tall when assembled and can be readily kept inside the matchbox baggage when dismantled... Along with this snowman kit, I've done up another matchbox suitcase with a Christmas tree inside, ready to be gifted away...

I hope besides doing up cards, this can be a fun way to gift for this Christmas... Especially for kids, they will be delighted...


Thursday 30 October 2014

Graphic 45 Come Away with Me Altered Post Box Miniatures

I love miniatuires!!! Scrappers who attended my classes at The Art Republic do know how much I love to incoporate small little things in my projects... Part of it is greatly inspired by my fellow Graphic 45 DT member Nichola Battilana from Pixie Hill!!! She's one amazing woman who makes wonderful stuffs...

Today at Graphic 45 blog post, I'm sharing this altered post box that I found in Japan Home one afternoon as I was shopping while waiting for my friend for lunch... It was actually a piggy bank with a cartonish look... So I decided to revamp it to give it a vintage look and made these falling parcels and mini mailbags... Oooo... I love how it turns out, truly inspired by Nichola... 

So now will you catch my mails please??

Enjoy!!! Cheers!!!

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Suitcase Treasures Tutorial & Mini Travel Map Books

Finally, I've done up a PDF tutorial in how to create these little suitcases which is one of the featured suitcases in my Graphic 45 DT stacked suitcases project. Now available in my Etsy for purchase and download. The stacked suitcases would probably take some more time to get it all done up.

I've also made a set of mini travel map handbound books for sale as well which you can also purchase as part of your suitcase treasures if you desire to. Unfortunately, I only made 5 sets of these books, and once they are sold out, I won't be making them again.

Links for purchase as follows (click to go to link):

Suitcase Treasures PDF tutorial
Mini Travel Map Handbound Books

Friday 5 September 2014

Graphic 45 Come Away with Me Stacked Suitcases

What's sharing today at Graphic 45 blog is this major project I had worked on it for about a week - stacked suitcases. Greatly inspired by the various stacked suitcases pins as home decor all over Pinterest, I decided to create my very own mini version by building each of them from scratch. Used quite a lot of Come Away with Me papers I should say. And I absolutely love love love this travel collection.

Inside each suitcase is a library of miniature books, matchbox suitcases, and other treasures inspired by the movies Titanic and The Aviator.

I've created a tutorial on how to make these cute little matchbox suitcases and a walk-through YouTube video to showcase this project. Currently, I'm working on a couple of tutorial sheets for this project, and once I've finished compiling I'll list them for sale on my Esty store. Do keep a look out, will be out pretty soon. I hope you guys will like this project. Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy.